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New NYP: Taheri lists beneficiaries of Saddam's regime
[link|http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/3502.htm|Not just terrorists. Paid shills, too]


Ba'athists are not the only political and financial orphans left by Saddam. The Iraqi dictator financed hundreds of journalists, and supposedly independent politicians in virtually all Arab countries. Documents seized from the Iraqi Cultural Office in London include lists that read like a who's who of pan-Arab intellectual elite.

Over the years, Saddam financed dozens of Arab publications, including weeklies and dailies based in Beirut, Paris and London. Some prominent Arab journalists received "presidential presents" in the form of luxury homes in Europe, expensive cars and costly gold watches, the standard Arab gift.

Iraqi groups studying the documents estimate that Saddam spent more than $1 billion over 20 years to buy prominent Arabs, and finance Arab parties and politicians devoted to his personality cult. Arab writers were paid millions of dollars to produce hagiographical accounts of Saddam's life. Film-makers and TV producers received cash in exchange for footage devoted to the "Great Leader of Arabs."

Saddam also financed militant Palestinian groups, notably Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and terrorists such as Sabri al-Banna, Muhammad Abbas and Ahmad Jibril. In 2001, Saddam also started channeling funds to the Lebanese branch of the Hezbollah (Party of God).

The list of those who benefited from Saddam's handouts includes several Iranian opposition groups, including the Mujahedin Khalq (People's Combatants) and the Iranian Kurdish Communist Party, both of which are classified as "terrorist organizations" by the United States and several European governments.

Documents now being studied by the Iraqi research group also reveal that Saddam had a network of support in several European countries, notably Britain, France and Austria.

At least three French political parties received financial contributions from Saddam between 1975 and 1990. Several prominent French politicians, including former Cabinet ministers, received money from Saddam. Several British politicians, including at least one member of parliament, were among the recipients of Saddam's largesse.
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Ah.. you mean, like PACs? Gosh.. so Murican in his style.
     NYP: Taheri lists beneficiaries of Saddam's regime - (marlowe) - (1)
         Ah.. you mean, like PACs? Gosh.. so Murican in his style. -NT - (Ashton)

with the hot blonde.
141 ms