Thought I'd outline how this exercise is progressing.
I decided that the act of extracting the hard disk from the iBook was beyond even my capablities (I got most of the way to doing it back in HK but gave up when it came to pulling the case bottom and top off the frame, & the notes I was working from said "beware wehn doing this step, not to split the case" - seing as it is my wife's iBook & she *does not like* me touching it I wasn't game then or now to do the hard disk swap.
I found a notebook repair man who offers a low rate & passed it to him to do the case busting job. I got the opportunity to watch & advise. It turned out he hadn't done this job before but he had the confidence to rip the case halves apart & sure enough after 30 mins of genttle prying he got them off.
He replaced the drive & reassembled but at the end of the procedure we had 4 spare tiny screws and a small magnet ???
Anyway it all works but at this time I have my wife's 10GB former disk in a USB 2 case (firewire won't book on this model iBook) & managed to boot OS9.1 from this but can't get OSX to start (OSX also boots OS9.1 & of course it can't find it on the primary disk).
I can see the new 40GB (I created a 7.3GB & a 30GB partition before the swap).
Am willing to do a clean install of both OS9.1 and OSX (with dual boot feature). But lastnight while waiting for the notebook repairman to reassemble the pile of screws & bits of the iBook, I googled to a site where someone was offering a program that copys OSX & OS9 disks - he provides it as freeware but requests a $5 donation. The strip down & rebuild took 2 hours of which 30+ mins was in pulling the upper & lower cases from the frame.
So will also see what I can do with that. Trick may be to boot from CD, attach the 10GB disk as a firewire drive & try to copy its 2 parttions to the 40GB (nothing to lose). If that doesn't work then I'll proceed with a clean install & just copy over the mail & other required files.
PS for those of you who suggested the boot firewire mode - yes Boot 'T' does that but I would need a 2nd Apple to see it. Plugging the 'firewire mode' iBook into my Intel box (has firewire support) results in nothing being seen. Seems that feature is an Apple-to-Apple only one.
Doug Marker
#2 Just searched for the $5 Apple disk clone software & found it here ..
Carbon Copy Cloner [link||]
#3 Just found the author's web site on CCC program [link||]