Who can imagine a time manifesting more brotherly love, compassion, tolerance for addressing the variety of views which exist on every important topic - and that mutual respect for the decent opinions of Mankind - than this time?

Clearly too, The. LEFT. are! those nattering nabobs of negativity
of whom Spiro Spoke (before he resigned to beat that embezzlement rap). And
of whom *Nixon spoke (before he resigned to beat that cumulative rap).

* I tape therefore I Am (thanks, Studs T.)

(Yes, where today Are: Ed Meese, Mac Namara, John Mitchell .. and all those other unfortunate 'bad apples' who either resigned, were fired or jailed:
[who needed all those Pardons..]
who have so consistently plagued all those previous compassionate, respectful administrations: like this one?)

The LEFT.. {Ugh} allus makin fusses about the littlest details like, Where's The Money Going? and Why Isn't this guy in jail yet? and .. How Come I Don't Get a Lawyer? - all that picky stuff. Scurrilous nitpickers All. Let's give 'em some American Justice, I say.

If we could all just close eyes, grab that Flag and hold hands (which momentarily offers some assurance that none of the extra hands is -just then- in your pocket or rifling through your desk or bedroom, installing Tee Vee cameras) -

If we could just exculpate all those little grabby n'grubby critters with the big hands.. and bigger ambitions, busy busy in all those pockets and desks - while the purveyors of Wonderfulness n'Unity are a whippin that Flag back & forth and singin those new Eagle songs and such {sob} -

- if we could just do. that. all. the. time. - why - I'm Sure - that

The rest of the world would soon join-in!
Agree that FOX is Fair & Balanced and Speaks Truth
Ratify the accession of Pope Ashcroft
(and clean up Their statues too)
Acquiesce that, in the end: Uncle Knows Best.

- and Welcome our periodic exercise of Preemptive Suspicion
- that somewhere out there, someone Doesn't . . . Like US :-0

Why then - -
You could rest easy, go back to designing keen new devices to [from a safe distance, natch] Spread American Joy Worldwide.
Why, it's Johnny Appleseeds like thee, (and my Gramma) who have
>Made US What We Are Today!<

May Everyone soon come to recognize this fact and give appropriate Thanks!
(if they can get through your anonymous-firewall.. (presumably against: 'too-much Lovin?' and all.))

Do not go gently into that good night
Without your Glock, Mr. Ticktockman