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New The blackout: what didn't go wrong
[link|http://www.reason.com/links/links081503.shtml|How do you explain this?]


Indeed, the most interesting blackout-related story is the one that never happened. The sort of pandemonium, hysteria, looting, crime, and chaos that typically greets even minor football victories as well as catastrophic utility failures simply didn't materialize. This was true even in New York City, where such antisocial behavior was once seen as part of the city's very essence. Indeed, the iconic '70s Manhattan-based sitcom Escape from New York was titled that way for a reason\ufffdone that no longer makes sense.

This Associated Press headline pretty much sums it up: One Dead, One Hurt in New York Blackout. The death toll in the country's biggest city consisted of a 40-year-old man who had a heart attack during a fire. A fireman was also seriously injured as some 60 "serious" fires were attended to during the night, which saw double the normal volume of emergency calls. "Things on balance, almost 100 percent, did work," Mayor Michael Bloomberg told the press. "New Yorkers showed that the city that burned in the 1970s when facing similar circumstances is now a very different place."

That's putting it mildly. Compare this blackout to the last great power failure in Gotham, which ushered in what then-Mayor Abe Beame understatedly referred to as a "Night of Terror". The total damage for the crime, arson, and theft associated with the '77 blackout is generally pegged at around $150 million and the mayhem that ensued (including looting and widespread muggings in broad daylight) is considered on a par or worse with what followed in the wake of the late-'60s race riots there. Yet this time around, fewer people (20) were arrested for looting than new cars were stolen in 1977 from a single Bronx Pontiac dealership (50). (That thieves would stoop to stealing Pontiacs is a sign of how crazy the times actually were.)

I say:

The inhabitants of Baghdad would do well to take note of how well we handle it when it happens to us. Oh, and the power's back up already in a lot of places. What's different between NYC and Baghdad to account for that? Could it be the saboteurs?

But why no looting and chaos? Why New Yorkers - of all people - chipping in and helping each other in a time of crisis? here's my theory: 9/11 woke us all up and brought out the best in us. Which, in foreign policy, includes some of what the whiny Left would call the worst of us. The closer you are to the epicenter, the more of an effect it has, unless you're completely beyond thinking and feeling (like Raines and Sulzberger) in which case nothing will affect you. New Yorkers, long justly vilified as rude, heartless and self-centerred, are now utterly different. Most of the rest of the country is also awakened, to a lesser degree, but then they didn't need it as badly. Those celebrities in Hollywood haven't grasped this, and that's why they now look more out of sync than ever. Likewise CNN. The French policymakers haven't grasped this, and it's already starting to hurt them in the pocketbook. And the academic Left is utterly at a loss.

Anyway, that's my theory. What's yours?
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New My theory: you're a dumbass
There wasn't any rioting in the '60s blackout either. "Those celebrities in Hollywood" have traditionally been mocked by your kind for the naievete of their faith in the universal goodness of the human heart and willingness of people to be kind to each other. When people show goodness and kindness just as "Those celebrities in Hollywood" say they will, suddenly the celebrities are wrong? Ah, I guess you've once again applied White-Out to the history book and are pretending all that didn't happen, just like you pretend that "the Left" never opposed the Taliban, Saddam, or the Soviet Union. CNN is the most right-wing, pro-government news organization in the United States that can actually be called a news organization and not a party propaganda machine. As for the French, they've been keeping the peace in Afghanistan and were fighting al-Qaeda before the United States was aware the group was a threat, and they showed a great deal of humanity by trying to prevent Bush's theft of Iraqi oil from the Iraqi people. The academic Left knows the score but nobody is listening, and you're living proof.

The only heartless, self-centered people I've seen lately are the Bush Administration, Fox News, and you. Bush even had the heartlessness to see September 11 as a money making opportunity, hawking photos of him skedaddling around the country. My theory is that you are so insecure in your values that you need to invent an imaginary enemy, a unified "Left" that doesn't really exist in real life, as the enemy of all things you consider correct so you can feel good when you defeat this mannequin you built yourself, and for some reason known only to yourself you now need to bring this up on something that is completely unrelated to politics.
New snort!
New A transmission from planet Brandioch?
Meanwhile, in the real world, almost everything is the exact opposite of what you say.

If you were kidding, please say so.
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Boy, are you naive.
There WAS looting. It just isn't being reported nationally. Not a lot, no, but from the sounds you're making everyone is just sitting around the campfires singing songs and holding hands. Oh, and the police cars at every gas station with power help too. Those cars, by the way, were put out for that purpose after the gas station down on 8 mile was looted (during the day, even). The 9pm curfews helped as well.

I listened to all of this on WWJ, the local news station. A woman who drove past the looting on 8 mile called in, and we heard it live as it happened 13 miles away. Where were YOU when the power went out?

Someone here also reported having a friend at Macy's in NY when the power went out, and she said the looting was immediate.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Kumbaya, oh Bush, kumbaya..
Wear your flight suit Bush,

It's turns me on, sir Bush,

So tight,

New ROFL!!!
Nicely done, Ross!
Boy I'd like to see those words on a PR banner behind [Treasury Secretary John] Snow at the podium:
Jobs and Growth: Just Wait.

John J. Andrew, unemployed programmer; see jobforjohn.com
New Almost identical to Cleveland
Folks house next to upscale shopping areas. Looting was reported locally..but also the "feel-good" stuff...and between the feel-good and the water problems...thats all that made national attention.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New No, it's just that "9-11" feeling... :-P

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Oh, come now. By your own admission, "not a lot" ...
so why make a big deal out of it?

What's noteworthy is there wasn't a lot more. Please excuse me all to hell for pointing that out.

Our society, already far better than that of those who wish us dead, is getting better still. That which killed only some of us made the rest of us stronger. Odd you guys aren't celebrating that.

Ya know, out there in the wider world, I'm often called a pessimist and a Gloomy Gus. But here I feel like an optimist in a roomful of severe depressives. Cheer up, guys! It's not the end of the world.

Maybe there are too many left coasters here. Whenever a competing culture calls the West or America "decadent" they always go to Hollywood or SF for evidence. All this proves is that parts of California are decadent. But we already knew that. Hollywood isn't America. And Berkeley sure as hell isn't. That's why they gloat at our problems and chafe at our successes. Well, let them chafe.

It's sad that so many parts of the world have such an overcompensated inferiority complex. But whose fault is that?
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New By your own words, you said "no looting"
And then tried to draw some conclusions about a 9-ll feeling that is now pervading the country.

I simply pointed out that 1) there WAS looting and 2) the disaster preparedness from Y2K (as well as the cop cars everywhere) and 3) the significant lessening of racial tensions over the past 30-40 years had a lot more to do with it than some happy-happy joy-joy collective well-being field.

You asked for an explanation. I submit that mine makes a lot more sense than your 9-11 kumbaya aura.

Pessimism has nothing to do with it. Realism and a little bit of thought (instead of merely agenda pushing) have a lot to do with it.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Who said anything about a collective well-being field?
Other than you, that is. I certianly never spoke of any collective. Collectives are no part of my notion of what being American is all about. Quite the opposite. Only weaker cultures than ours base themselves on subsuming the individual identity to the collective. They do that because it seems a cheap and easy way to be stronger than disorganized savages. But we - at our best and purest - function as individuals within a society. We get that from England, by the way. Yeoman spirit. But we've improved on it. (Yes, the Athenians had it too, once. But that went nowhere. Maybe it was the homosexual pedophilia corrupted them. Or the keeping of slaves. Or the combination of the two. So glad the North fought and won that bloody Civil War. Now if can just keep NAMBLA from getting accredited victim group status.)

And in any instance we don't function as individuals, or within society, you can always take a good look and spot some imported European or Oriental ideology. Socialism or racism in the first case, anarchism or elitism in the second.

I said first, that New Yorkers are getting better, at a fundamental level. Otherwise, why would, for example, racial tensions be on the decline?

Second, that we've markedly gotten better in very recent years. I've noticed it myself, so don't try to tell me it's a fantasy. Probably it's in part a long-term effect of better police protection. But it's hard to believe 9-11 had nothing to do with it. You'd have to be living in a cave not to notice how the national mood has changed since then.

Thirdly, we handle this sort of thing way better than people do in other parts of the world. Note the DIY spirit of civilians directing traffic. The rest of the world could stand to learn from that kind of initiative. (Some American citizens could stand to learn from that too, but that's another matter.) No punting to the authorities. No waiting for orders or permission from above. Something needs doing, you're there, you do it. How can you not be encouraged by that?

That's somewhat an Anglophone thing, by the way, rather than uniquely American. But the American culture magnifies it substantially. The rigors of frontier life must have magnified it in the 17th through 19th centuries, and the effect hasn't had time to die down yet.

Drop the straw man and the attitude, and just admit I have valid and noteworthy points here.

Why is it so hard for you to face the fact that we're good and getting better? Why would that notion get your defenses up? Of all the things to get all out of joint over, you have to pick an insinuation that some people might not be entirely nasty, selfish and stupid? Or was it the insinuation that people can change for the better that gave offense?

I admit I can see how the notion that individual humans can display individual initiative and/or growth - while interacting with others sans regard for race or tribe - may be problematic to a "transnational progressivist". But reality is not obligated to conform to the dictates of an absurd and stifling ideology. And neither of us is a subscriber to such decadent nonsense, right?
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Why of course you're Right- dear boy
Who can imagine a time manifesting more brotherly love, compassion, tolerance for addressing the variety of views which exist on every important topic - and that mutual respect for the decent opinions of Mankind - than this time?

Clearly too, The. LEFT. are! those nattering nabobs of negativity
of whom Spiro Spoke (before he resigned to beat that embezzlement rap). And
of whom *Nixon spoke (before he resigned to beat that cumulative rap).

* I tape therefore I Am (thanks, Studs T.)

(Yes, where today Are: Ed Meese, Mac Namara, John Mitchell .. and all those other unfortunate 'bad apples' who either resigned, were fired or jailed:
[who needed all those Pardons..]
who have so consistently plagued all those previous compassionate, respectful administrations: like this one?)

The LEFT.. {Ugh} allus makin fusses about the littlest details like, Where's The Money Going? and Why Isn't this guy in jail yet? and .. How Come I Don't Get a Lawyer? - all that picky stuff. Scurrilous nitpickers All. Let's give 'em some American Justice, I say.

If we could all just close eyes, grab that Flag and hold hands (which momentarily offers some assurance that none of the extra hands is -just then- in your pocket or rifling through your desk or bedroom, installing Tee Vee cameras) -

If we could just exculpate all those little grabby n'grubby critters with the big hands.. and bigger ambitions, busy busy in all those pockets and desks - while the purveyors of Wonderfulness n'Unity are a whippin that Flag back & forth and singin those new Eagle songs and such {sob} -

- if we could just do. that. all. the. time. - why - I'm Sure - that

The rest of the world would soon join-in!
Agree that FOX is Fair & Balanced and Speaks Truth
Ratify the accession of Pope Ashcroft
(and clean up Their statues too)
Acquiesce that, in the end: Uncle Knows Best.

- and Welcome our periodic exercise of Preemptive Suspicion
- that somewhere out there, someone Doesn't . . . Like US :-0

Why then - -
You could rest easy, go back to designing keen new devices to [from a safe distance, natch] Spread American Joy Worldwide.
Why, it's Johnny Appleseeds like thee, (and my Gramma) who have
>Made US What We Are Today!<

May Everyone soon come to recognize this fact and give appropriate Thanks!
(if they can get through your anonymous-firewall.. (presumably against: 'too-much Lovin?' and all.))

Do not go gently into that good night
Without your Glock, Mr. Ticktockman

{sigh] If Only we'd followed Terry Pratchett's Perfect Model!
(another! 'preemptive-Strike'.. on all those soon-to-be Resignees, mentioned)

"We put all our politicians in prison as soon as they're elected. Don't you?"
"It saves time."
New Simple, post 9/11 contingency plans were put in place
cops all over, looters have a problem looting from places with armed guards. Everyone knew bad shit was going to happen and prepared. Preparedness works.
America, Love it or give it back
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New my kind of blackout
Three-and-a-half weeks without marlowe.

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
New Gratifying to know I bug you so much.
Sadly, I can't reciprocate. You're just not important enough to me, for me to get all that irritated at you.
It's time for the US to infringe on the sovereignty of Liberia!
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
     The blackout: what didn't go wrong - (marlowe) - (15)
         My theory: you're a dumbass - (tangaroa) - (2)
             snort! -NT - (deSitter)
             A transmission from planet Brandioch? - (marlowe)
         Boy, are you naive. - (admin) - (7)
             Kumbaya, oh Bush, kumbaya.. - (deSitter) - (1)
                 ROFL!!! - (jb4)
             Almost identical to Cleveland - (bepatient) - (1)
                 No, it's just that "9-11" feeling... :-P -NT - (admin)
             Oh, come now. By your own admission, "not a lot" ... - (marlowe) - (2)
                 By your own words, you said "no looting" - (admin) - (1)
                     Who said anything about a collective well-being field? - (marlowe)
         Why of course you're Right- dear boy - (Ashton)
         Simple, post 9/11 contingency plans were put in place - (boxley)
         my kind of blackout - (rcareaga) - (1)
             Gratifying to know I bug you so much. - (marlowe)

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