Chris waffles on er 'causality', today :-\ufffd
Friday, 15 August 2003:
Yesterday evening the Niagra Mohawk power grid sort of... broke, plunging a lot of the northeast (including parts of Canada) into darkness as electricity sort of... went away. It affected Albany (where I work) for quite a while, but affected Troy (where I live) for only a short period of time.
Because yesterday's strip was so, ah, eerily prescient, I'd like to say for the record that I had nothing to do with it whatsoever. On the other hand, as many of you have pointed out, at long last we know the general location of Ubersoft Corporate Headquarters...
Now then.. should the speculations of FuManChu's above {re speculations in an unnamed part of (bugtraq)} er correlate with the activity spike of the latest Billybug {and that ball-lightning from Hell} well -
We can say that
We Knew Chris before.. he was
A) Made ESP-Security Czar for Homeland Security
B) Sent to Guantanamo
C) Wrote a strip suggesting A) B)
D) Both