It seems that otherwise healthy GI's simply stop breathing in their sleep. There were three almost identical cases in the last 5 days. ([link||Kinchen], [link||Bush], [link||Eaton])
A local paper (w/o online edition, unfortunately) ran a half page article on this, as well as on the seemingly high prevalence of severe, sometimes fatal, pneumonia in soldiers in the area. The Pentagon has ruled out SARS, Legionella, biochem weapons and infectious agents, but remains mum on what is then the cause. Relatives of the dead and ill are pinning the blame on the smallpox and anthrax vaccines that were given to the soldiers prior to departure, based on survivor's accounts and a study by the Washington U Medical School. The Pentagon claims there is no evidence for such a link; survivors claim a cover-up.
Deja-vu or what?