(and mostly, Sturgeon seems to rhyme with virgin)
Imagine IF:
{ swirly brownish incense clouds from God's SUV fills the \ufffdther }
...The Koran had an Acid-head Committee-writ Chapter like er Revelations - which spawned 15 million copies of a Novelette series about Raptured-out BODIES from airliners, attached horns and forehead-numbers to various folks they didn't like, blamed it all on Allah and generally - (say?)
Ay-Rabs proved as gullible as .. their WASP brethren?
Imagine Then... "troubled" the Middle East might REALLY GET!?
See, I'll bet your average Arab peon might be almost as iggerant of The Good Book as.. say Pope Ashcroft is.. of {most things but especially The Koran}.
Let's Help Dispel Ignorance.
Ummm - can I \ufffd an artfully Illuminated Arabic translation of That Surreal Chapter - so's our [oil]-friends can get up to speed on just What sorta stuff they are dealing with 'here'?
(Or would this be deemed a Terrorist Act?)
Maybe if Ashcroft affixed an imprimatur - after all, it's from The Good Book and all.
Any VC capital out there?
Let Us Reason Together LLC