deSitter wrote:

way upgraded, 256M and IBM 40Gb Travelstar drive. It really is slow. KDE has gotten extremely bloated, which I guess is a side effect of C++.

The laptop machine in front of me is:

model name : Mobile Pentium II
stepping : 10
cpu MHz : 366.675
cache size : 256 KB

Total physical RAM: 128 MB. Preferred environment: Window Maker 0.80.1, XFree86 4.2.1.

While Konqueror (installed version = 3.1.0) is no longer my browser of choice (prefer Galeon 1.2.7 or Mozilla Firebird 0.6), it does not have load-time problems, nor is it slow in other ways -- relative to obvious alternatives. Suggest you investigate idiosyncratic problems that might afflict your system.

Rick Moen