(What you said) re the galvanizing of hate-speech, the machinations of the spirit of G\ufffdbbels (not merely to be found in Redmond). We know from a century's experience, how intentional mass indoctrination is done: was done. And it worked on a nation with roots that were among the world's better educated populations.

The populations involved here - poorly educated, have no such experience of (very much of) the varieties of people / beliefs in the world. They are dirt-poor and see the West as cynically ensuring that little of its vaunted and flaunted wealth is likely ever to 'trickle down' to *them*. (Never mind that their chosen beliefs have pretended to eschew the er 'material' - they Want those Tee Vees and all that stuff. Too. It seems so.)

This will be *new*. Only academics and the more prescient Sci-Fi authors have faced this sort of dystopia! before. (I have an excellent 'refound' book with a veritable list of the kinds of dystopias explored, at least by mid-70s).

What possible defense have (just we in Murica, on the continent) against suicidal, anonymous random folk employing exquisite knowledge of the vulnerabilities of ALL complex systems: towards merely, indiscriminate destruction? It's Karl Popper visited in the actuality + massive improvements in diabolical techno choices.

Methinks that is the question we had best ponder and reponder - before every decision about employing our power (arms, treaty, NATO-power especially: destructive force).

Without Gandhi + Genghis Khan + a kind of Alan Turing of 'survival tactics' (?) and a large dose of uncharacteristic charm.. I don't want to think about it.
