Columbus, GA to be exact.
Just as hot and humid today as Houston is every day during the summer. Corporate apartment is acceptable. Living on a 56K dialup means that I'll be posting about 90% less than before (do I hearing some clapping and cheering in the background?) Go to HR first thing in the morning to get the corporate mugshot, meet the manager, and who knows what else. Next Monday through Wednesday are all day orientation seminars; at least they'll feed me lunches.
Living without the family sucks big time already. Before I left Wednesday morning, I explained to my son and daughter how things were going to work out, if things followed the plan. Told her how mommy and daddy wished that daddy could remain with them in Houston, but can't. This is the 3rd time I've been separated from them for a job. Said I didn't want to leave them. Daughter replies: "That's okay daddy; we're used to it."
Major bummer.