Adding to above excerpts:
All I want to say for now is that
the under-reaction to the Taliban by three successive
United States administrations is one of the great
resounding disgraces of our time.
(Shocked to see him use 'affect' for 'effect'.. in one place. Oh well.)
When did Washington last demand that Saudi Arabia cease its
heavy financing of these primitive and unscrupulous
organizations? We let the Algerians fight the
Islamic-fascist wave without saying a word or lending
a hand. And this is an effort in which civic and social
organizations can become involved without official
permission. We should be building such
internationalism whether it serves the short-term
needs of the current Administration or not: I signed
an anti-Taliban statement several months ago and
was appalled by the eerie silence with which the
initiative was greeted in Washington. (It ought to go
without saying that the demand for Palestinian
self-determination is, as before, a good cause in its
own right. Not now more than ever, but now as ever.
There are millions of Palestinians who do not want
the future that the pious of all three monotheisms
have in store for them.)
In spades re Algeria - even I wondered then, how - our vaunted 'democracies' could elide the events there? - precisely as we later managed to ignore Rwanda.
I fear that we are not up to the subtlety, not via Dubya aided by his counsels - and ultimately they, pretty much untempered: will push the buttons. Nor are 'we' of a temperament to face, as does Hitchens here, other related skeletons collected since ~1947. Amidst the crisis we shall see only the danger; overlook as is our wont - the opportunity.
It is not going to be pretty, or satisfying; worst of all - it may well be ineffective: that which we do in next few months. I think the clock is turned back to October 1962.