No its not
Your example does not rely on code generation to work - it uses it as an optimization. You could (and do) make it work without the code generation.
There's the razor.
If the only way to accomplish a task is code generation - then the tool is not appropriate for the task.
As to whether this is designed by me to punish static languages. Turnabout is fair play. :-P
Smalltalk is dangerous. It is a drug. My advice to you would be don't try it; it could ruin your life. Once you take the time to learn it (to REALLY learn it) you will see that there is nothing out there (yet) to touch it. Of course, like all drugs, how dangerous it is depends on your character. It may be that once you've got to this stage you'll find it difficult (if not impossible) to "go back" to other languages and, if you are forced to, you might become an embittered character constantly muttering ascerbic comments under your breath. Who knows, you may even have to quit the software industry altogether because nothing else lives up to your new expectations.