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New Taliban Leaders: Americans are cowards.
Also, Peter Bergen said yesterday on CNN that the only proof the Taliban would accept was "religious" proof. U.S. style "logical" proof was not sufficient.
P.S. These are not my words. Please don't flame me. Flame Peter, if you must.

Calling Americans Cowards]
* Taliban Sheltering Bin Laden
* Refuses To Turn Him Over Without Evidence
* U.S. Doubts Claims; Pakistan Says Chances Of Hand-Over Slim

(CBS) The leader of Afghanistan's hard-line Taliban told his people Sunday not to worry about U.S. attacks on their country because Americans are cowards.

"Americans don't have the courage to come here," Mullah Mohammed Omar said in an interview broadcast by Taliban-controlled Kabul Radio.

He urged Afghans to remain calm and go about their business without trying to flee cities that might be targets of U.S. air strikes.
New Re: Taliban Leaders: Americans are cowards.
Thank you for the details.

If that doesn't stink of childlike taunting "What's a'matter America? Chicken?"

They've thrown our own toys at us, taunted us, what's next? Mooning us?

I guess we're not playing into their hands like they hoped.
New That's not the point
The point is to keep as many possible "innocent bystanders" in town, near any potential targets, as possible. Today: "Don't flee from potential targets. Americans don't have the courage to attack us." Tomorrow: "How could the evil Americans attack innocent civilians without even giving us time to evacuate them?"
We have to fight the terrorists as if there were no rules and preserve our open society as if there were no terrorists. -- [link|http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/05/opinion/BIO-FRIEDMAN.html|Thomas Friedman]
New I think this is just the beginning of paradox
The entire problem of the nameless, faceless anonymous enemy: confounds all our preparations [as usual] -- to fight the Last war.

Now throw in the idiocy of fundamentalist dogma wherever found: and what is sauce for the goose? Take a gander at ___ that!

Gonna be hard to bring out facsimiles of the 'Jap' posters of WW-II for psyching up the troops; as begins the race to the bottom: for cliches to hurl.. (unless, to duplicate a comment - a T-shirt with bin-L AND Foulwell, Robertson?)

     They're trying harder to get USA to attack - (Steven A S) - (6)
         Odd contradiction - (tablizer) - (1)
             Not a bad idea! - (jb4)
         Taliban Leaders: Americans are cowards. - (brettj) - (3)
             Re: Taliban Leaders: Americans are cowards. - (Steven A S)
             That's not the point - (drewk) - (1)
                 I think this is just the beginning of paradox - (Ashton)

Innovation from the rear again.
38 ms