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New Latest poll results from Baghdad
[link|http://www.washtimes.com/national/20030719-120149-1765r.htm|Diversity of opinion is now legal there]


The hard-won results, released Thursday and titled "What Baghdad Really Thinks," found that 50 percent of the respondents called the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein "right"; 27 percent said it was "wrong"; 23 percent had no opinion.
Five percent of respondents wanted Saddam to return to power. Nine percent preferred life under Saddam's rule, while 29 percent "prefer Americans." Forty-seven percent had "no preference" and 15 percent did not answer.
Iraqis have mixed opinions about when they should regain full control of their country, the poll found.
Forty percent want control immediately, 11 percent within three months, 11 percent within six months and 11 percent within a year. Nearly 10 percent thought regaining control after more than one year was reasonable, and 7 percent thought "Iraqis should not be granted political power" at all. Ten percent had no opinion.
With reference to a style of government, 36 percent want a U.S.-style democracy, and 26 percent prefer Islamic rule "tempered with modern ideals of justice and punishment." Five percent want a presidential ruler, but "not Saddam." Six percent want religious leaders in charge, and 6 percent want a single-party state. The rest were not sure or declined to state their preference.
Thirteen percent want U.S. and British forces to leave Iraq "straightaway." A quarter want them there for a year; 20 percent thought they should leave in less than a year, and 31 percent hoped the troops would stay for "a few years."
A third said their lives were better after the war, while 43 percent said it would be better in a year, and 52 percent said it would be improved in five years.
Just over one quarter said they felt friendly towards U.S. and British forces; 50 percent said they felt neither friendly nor hostile toward the troops. Nine percent said they felt "very" hostile, and 9 percent were "fairly" hostile.
Life has gotten more threatening, the respondents said. Fifty-four percent said it was "much more" dangerous, 21 percent said "a little more," 14 percent said a "little" or "much" safer, and 10 percent said there was no change.
The Iraqis also theorized about American and British motivations for the war: 47 percent felt it was "to secure oil supplies," 41 percent said it was to help Israel, and 23 percent felt it was to liberate Iraq from dictatorship.
Seven percent said the war was fought "to protect Kuwait"; 6 percent thought the war was staged to find weapons of mass destruction, and 18 percent either did not know or would not answer.
Most of the Iraqis' personal travails stem from lack of services, the poll found. Eighty percent cited lack of power, 67 percent noted street violence, 49 percent spoke of lack of drinking water, 33 percent cited lack of medical care, 24 percent said there were food shortages, 21 percent talked of business closings and 17 percent noted school closings.

Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
I helped depose Saddam. Did you?
When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New I would have some reservations about a poll taken by
foreigners (to the Iraqis, that is). It is likely to bias the results. Do you truly believe the Iraqis felt their answers were inconsequential to their individual future?

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. -- George Bernard Shaw
     Latest poll results from Baghdad - (marlowe) - (1)
         I would have some reservations about a poll taken by - (a6l6e6x)

Here's a banana and some string for you to hang behind you.
43 ms