Hatch is a complete, fscking MORON
But of course, you already knew that!
Mr. Strict Constructionist now calls for furriners to run our gubmint. (But wouldn't dare to suggest that we allow furrin pharmaceutical companies to peddle their wares here...at the requisite 30-50% less than the domestic pushers charge!)
What a fuck-nuts moron!
I personally don't believe foreign born citizens (regardless of whether they were nationalized or simply had dual citizenship and chose to select American citizenship) have the same viewpoint that native born citizens have. One could argue that that difference actually runs in favor of the foreign-born, WRT a global view vs. the kind of pariochialism seen recently here. Nonetheless, I for one do not want some opportunistic, charismatic foreigner to attempt to run this country.
But that is just my opinion, and is completely beside the point.
The point here is that Fuckhead Hatch is an opportunistic scum-bag, and is playing a cynical longshot to increase Repo influence. Having seen the popularity of the last acting-President, he's trying to end-run the Constitution in the cynical belief (however well-founded) that form will overtake substance, and that another acting-President (Ahnold) would give his miserable "party" another 8 years of time to finish off what's left of the Constitution once and ferall.
And that's why he's a fuck-nuts bastard!
(Hell, if he could have forseen the popularity of the last acting-President, he'd have done all he could to overturn the 23rd(?) ammendment. Boy, would we have been fucked then!)
"We continue to live in a world where all our know-how is locked into binary files in an unknown format. If our documents are our corporate memory, Microsoft still has us all condemned to Alzheimer's."
Simon Phipps, SUN Microsystems