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New Chuckle - sure makes you wonder about the people who called
Hans Blix incompent, doesn't it?

Kay: It may well be a success of the Iraqis-for hiding it and dealing with it so it was difficult to find and unmask. I think all of us who have dealt with this program since the war realized what great lengths they went to shield their program. And that\ufffds part of our difficulties. Everything from destroying documents systematically, moving things around. You cannot believe how many cases we have of documents and equipment that are stored in private residences. I mean, no inspection regime was ever geared up for going into private residences. We ourselves - even though we have the power to do it - have great difficulty in doing that.

If he's correct, that there are WMD there - then "success" may be the greatest understatement in history.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Marlowe, and countless (johnu?) considered WMD so easy to find in Iraq that all it took was walking over and looking.

But then again, we won't blast them for being wrong...they're Republicans.
New Wrong
Republican is the wrong label to use. True Believer is more accurate. There *are* Republicans who are not True Believers. (How those few can stay Republican after the clear evidence of their party's leadership's capitulation to the wacko christian/Rushovian crowd, I don't know).
Where were you in 72?
New All I want explained out of this dirty mess is ..

how 'Marlowe the Baptist' still comes to this now quite barren wilderness and can *still* ramble on with almost the same jihadist zeal ???

I notice that many others who were also so gung-ho over attacking Iraq over the WMD issue have skulked off or dramatically 'seen the light' <g>

Cheers Doug

(I wonder if our modern day Baptist will ever get to have his most warped organ & its casing, on a silver platter :-)

New rofl
"Bring me the epaulets of Marlowe the Baptist!"
New Blix never would have found this
You cannot believe how many cases we have of documents and equipment that are stored in private residences. I mean, no inspection regime was ever geared up for going into private residences. We ourselves - even though we have the power to do it - have great difficulty in doing that.

Blix would have given us a report saying they found nothing, everyone would have gone home, and 3 - 5 years later, Saddam would be testing his first nuke in the Iraqi desert.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Marlowe, and countless (johnu?) considered WMD so easy to find in Iraq that all it took was walking over and looking.

They (and I, if I ever made that statement) were wrong. It's turning out to be more difficult that expected.

But then again, we won't blast them for being wrong...they're Republicans.

Well, this report comes out in 6 months...just in time for the presidental campaign. If Kay is right when he says "I think we will have a very strong case on all of those [biological, chemical or nuclear]" then you will probably be looking at 4 more years of Republicans. Not the greatest thing in world be but better than Democrats back in control :)


New Well. . .
Imminent threat?
Blix would have given us a report saying they found nothing, everyone would have gone home, and 3 - 5 years later, Saddam would be testing his first nuke in the Iraqi desert.
(emphasis added)

This explains it all
Well, this report comes out in 6 months...just in time for the presidental campaign.

New Chuckle....almost...
but you're still spinning like a top...

Blix would have given us a report saying they found nothing, everyone would have gone home, and 3 - 5 years later, Saddam would be testing his first nuke in the Iraqi desert.

You're assuming that the inspectors would go home. Just why would that occur?

The only reason inspectors left was because we started bombing again, and their safety was in jeapordy.

Furthermore, given that is was more than 5 years between the end of the war and when inspectors left - and given that his WMD programs are SO hard to find now...you've now proven that the weapons inspectors were doing their jobs and were successful.

They (and I, if I ever made that statement) were wrong. It's turning out to be more difficult that expected.

Glad to see they've made apologies to Han Blix for being wrong...oh wait...they haven't.

Like I said - good thing their Republicans - when Democrats make a mistake, they don't get away with saying "oppzie, we made a little mistake."
New Huh?
Furthermore, given that is was more than 5 years between the end of the war and when inspectors left - and given that his WMD programs are SO hard to find now...you've now proven that the weapons inspectors were doing their jobs and were successful.

Forcing the Iraqis to go to extremes to hide their WMD programs is considered success for you?
New Re: Huh?
We have spy satellites. It's in the desert. If you move around in the desert, you make nice big clouds of dust.

So, I suppose they did everything on windless nights, in total darkness.
New Re: Huh?

Do you have an opinion on Scott Ritter's expert opinions ?

I am inclinded to think he had it spot on and yet today there are still people with no qualified expert opinion on the matter, who seem to want to tell us that Ritter's so far *proven* expert opinions were not as right as they have thus far been - ???


New Re: Huh?
I am inclinded to think he had it spot on and yet today there are still people with no qualified expert opinion on the matter, who seem to want to tell us that Ritter's so far *proven* expert opinions were not as right as they have thus far been - ???

Well, David Kay is a former weapons inspector and is in Iraq collecting evidence of WMDs. He believes, from the evidence he's seen, that Iraq had WMD programs (chemical, biological, nuclear and missle) and believes he will have enough documentation to prove it.

I'll leave it to you to decide if he's qualified enough...

New Absolutely....

Forcing the Iraqis to go to extremes to hide their WMD programs is considered success for you?

Would you claim that it's a failure?

What would you define as a success for the WMD inspection teams then?
New Keeping Iraq out of WMD business
for the cost of 0 lives and $0.010 billion a year (I am guessing here) is a failure.

Keeping Iraq out of WMD business at the cost of $1B and 7 to 20 people a week is a success.

Remind me nevr to trust you with my money, would you?

Less Is More. In my book, About Face, I introduce over 50 powerful design axioms. This is one of them.

--Alan Cooper. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
New Re: Keeping Iraq out of WMD business
Keeping Iraq out of WMD business for the cost of 0 lives and $0.010 billion a year (I am guessing here) is a failure.

The way I read this story is the WMD program continued, they just moved the evidence to private residences where inspectors would never go. Did I misunderstand David Kay?

New The evidence was _hidden_
in private homes. The WMD program was mothballed where inspectors could not see it. But it was not "continuing" as in being advanced daily. At least that's my take of it.

Less Is More. In my book, About Face, I introduce over 50 powerful design axioms. This is one of them.

--Alan Cooper. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
New Give it up.....you can't win...
the materials could be hidden in public home, buried beneath a small tree, filled with concrete and rusted beyond use and he would still claim that they had a WMD program ongoing and producing output.

Reason has long since gone out the window.

Relax. They're going to find a #5 nut that can be used on a #5 bolt that can be used an a centrifuge that can be used to refine uranium that can be used to make a bomb. See! WMD program PROOF!
New OK then, come back to us in 6 months...
Well, this report comes out in 6 months...just in time for the presidental campaign.

What a toothsome morsel that is.

But OK, come back to us in 6 months, with the report in hand (if, indeed thereis such a report...given this "administration"'s past history of suppressing facts that don't fit its preconcieved notions. We'll de-spin and de-bullshit it, and we'll see if there's really any 'there' there.

(Breath not being held...)
The difference between Confidence and Ego is that Confidence has respect, while Ego does not.
Candyce Burns (my wife)
     Looking for the smoking gun - (johnu) - (18)
         Hmmmmm....... - (mmoffitt)
         Chuckle - sure makes you wonder about the people who called - (Simon_Jester) - (16)
             Wrong - (Silverlock)
             All I want explained out of this dirty mess is .. - (dmarker) - (1)
                 rofl - (deSitter)
             Blix never would have found this - (johnu) - (12)
                 Well. . . - (jbrabeck)
                 Chuckle....almost... - (Simon_Jester) - (9)
                     Huh? - (johnu) - (8)
                         Re: Huh? - (deSitter)
                         Re: Huh? - (dmarker) - (1)
                             Re: Huh? - (johnu)
                         Absolutely.... - (Simon_Jester)
                         Keeping Iraq out of WMD business - (Arkadiy) - (3)
                             Re: Keeping Iraq out of WMD business - (johnu) - (2)
                                 The evidence was _hidden_ - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                     Give it up.....you can't win... - (Simon_Jester)
                 OK then, come back to us in 6 months... - (jb4)

Is there an LRPDism competition going on for some reason?
64 ms