Brett writes: Or should I refer to them as Mulluhs?No, you shouldn't, because they aren't "Mulluhs". They're Mullahs.
This is a delicate topic, but the reason I ask is because I want to know who is really killing others for power.What a typical stupid mealy-mouthed BrettJ-style question!
What fucking planet have you been hanging around on 'til now?? Can't be Earth, because if it were, you'd bloody well *know* that the answer is, pretty much EVERYBODY who kills in a more or less organized large-scale fashion.
I'm not suggesting the Islamic religion has any parallel to the Christian religion but it is worth asking about, is it not?Well, you fucking well should, because it has lots of them, as everybody who isn't totally butt-ignorant should fucking well know.
And don't give me that bullshit about being "new to religion" -- this is way below the least decent level of general knowledge *any* native of a modern Western nation, "religious" or not, should have. At least if they don't want to call themselves functionally illiterate, that is...
Fuck, I'm a lifelong atheist, and *I* know shit like that. Did you grow up under a fucking rock, or what??