I'm not suggesting the Islamic religion has any parallel to the Christian religion but it is worth asking about, is it not?
You are doing what is most often done by those awarded the epithet, Bible-thumpers - though you are generally picking the more universal, less bellicose passages:
Those *common* to virtually EVERY organized religion!
I do appreciate that you personally - generally do stick to the more hopeful, thus useful passages among the many truly inspired ones within this massive, schizophrenic compilation of the prose of men (most.. but not all, of whom seem to have 'meant well').
It is this insouciance? ignorance of virtually ALL other, older approaches to er 'spirituality'; this hubris, this "certainty of the unique possession of truth" / combined with an intentional ignorance of all human thought which went before and *still exists*, which characterizes the 'style' of religious non-discourse most commonly seen.
It is that characteristic.. which I find, now first rises into my memory, when a pair of suited evangelists appears on my doorstep and immediately! launches into a canned spiel - as If I knew *nothing* of their Bible, why they are sent there and perhaps most simultaneously insulting / laughable: presumes that my life experience, intelligence and discrimination - could not possibly match the accumulated 'wisdom' of a pair of twenty-somethings with well-scrubbed eager faces.
No.. those of this level of 'persuasion' - remain intentionally anti-clueful about homo-sap, all of her history and at root, remain utterly unaware of the reasons why "truth" by any metaphor simply cannot be! "passed on like a recipe for Eggs Benedict" ! Even to the interested, let alone to ones who have made their own difficult enquiries; have done their OWN homework all along.
So.. *Oh Yes* there are parallels in ALL the popular organized religions; The fundamentalists within each -- all sound alike, all operate from the same intolerance of any Other views of the mystery of life - and all are certain, to the point of Killing for God (by any variation of the wording).
My view is that, so long as the majority of sane, wiser 'believers' stand silently by, as their extreme, hostile and nowadays bellicose members - "speak and ACT on their behalf", undisciplined by the wiser, better informed members of any of these groups:
No communication shall occur. All present and ancient stereotypes shall prevail. The 'Open Society' shall employ all means possible, against the lunatic fringe (in order to survive) -- and likely in that process: shall surrender its Openness for the chimerical 'security' which so many ignorants would trade Everything, to get.
THIS is the War signified and commenced on 9/11, IMhO.