It is the truth. Bad managers also feel that they can design user interfaces better than a developer with over 10 years experience. Just give the managers a copy of Viso or some paint program and then they think the time it takes them to design the new interface in Viso/Paint will be the time it takes the developers to code and debug it. If it takes them 3 hours to design the new interface, they thing that it will take that long to code, test, and implement it. They have no frelling clue as to what it takes to redesign a program, debug it, and make sure that it is of the best quality. It could take days, weeks, or even months to work out all the details and get it exactly the way they wanted it. Even longer if they keep making changes as the developer is working on it.

This, my friends, is my case.

It is like being given a map of Detroit, to drive in Chicago, only the people you stop and ask directions for are not being very helpful and either say "You can't get here from there" or "What do you think I am, your mother?" or some other smart-alec answer. Combine that with the bad managers listed above, being stuffed into a small cubicle, having medical conditions knock me down low, and other factors and even Atlas would pat me on the back for carrying around so much weight. :(