Why.. marlowe feels the pain of the suffering ones everywhere in the world - regardless of race, creed, color or political opinion. Compassion is his middle-name. I know this because he's said so! (And I'm sure he's really sorry about Duvallier, Pinochet, Montt, Marcos, Pahlavi, Pol Pot, Rius, Abacha, Mobutu, Botha and those other fellows we supported so's they could represent our interests and all).

Well, OK - scratch that last part: if it isn't the same political opinion as those nice folks he worships, who are arranging for a Rilly-American Century or Two\ufffd, then the fucking raghead can boil in [oil] until s/he says Uncle (Sam). Seems fair enough. Who else is the very model of a perfectly harmonious society, with liberty and justice for all?

But since he possesses that which we mere local observers can never achieve - the Certainty of his Moral Righteousness, encrypted direct from the Top - we'll just have to go along with his program.. or miss that boat which is supposed to be sailing without us.

Which also seems fair enough. I prefer the train or ox-cart, and there are some you just wouldn't want to travel with whatever the mode, even if they paid you off too, (maybe even more than the Turks and Spain?)