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New Is someone's ox being gored?
It's stupid to think that people can take any responsibility for anything they ingest. Using the tobacco litigation as an example, we, as a country are much better off now that we have put the tobacco industry in it's place. Well, at least the states haven't taken the tobacco settlement money (to educate people on the risks of smoking and fund cessation for current smokers) and used the current budget crisis' to ... oh, yeah, they did. Well, at least .. um.. a whole lot of frigging lawyers got rich. That's good, isn't it?

Then again, using the same rationale for the tobacco settlement, fat-asses are costing us a fortune in insurance and taxing the medicare system. Yeah. It's also preventable. Why should I pay extra money for someone who cannot control their eating habits (or smoking habits)?

Prediction - lawyers will get rich. Fat asses and smokers will pay higher prices for their poisons.
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New Disagree, it's my fault and the fault of my family genetics.
I'm the one who doesn't exercise at least an hour a day like God intended.
I'm the one who is 90-100 pounds overweight.
I'm the one who loves cookies, cakes, cereal, and everything breaded.
I'm the one who will work another hour on a computer program, then wonder why I sit at my desk at work for 2 hours, barely awake at 2pm (in need of a nap).

Somehow, it needs to change. I don't really know how. Somehow, I need to worry less about work, about economics, and "thinking things" and just go "Do It". Exercise. Biking, walking, swimming, something aerobic (or close).

I only agree that McDonalds and the like are responsible for selling ever larger portions. (The original Coca Cola class at McDonalds was something like 12oz, now the smallest size you get is 20oz? ) But, customers asked for those larger portions and McDonalds, Wendy's and BK provided them.

So, I think that someone I need to find an hour every day to exercise. Maybe that should be what I do with the time I got back from commuting. Exercise. Lose weight.

Glen Austin
     Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act - (SpiceWare) - (3)
         Depends on how broadly they ban - (JayMehaffey)
         Is someone's ox being gored? - (screamer) - (1)
             Disagree, it's my fault and the fault of my family genetics. - (gdaustin)

There are perhaps no more tragic creatures than middle-aged, middle-class tourists, unused to traveling in unfamiliar places, on a lifetime dream vacation.
44 ms