Post #10,823
9/28/01 2:40:40 PM
9/29/01 9:55:54 AM

The Ultimate In Distributed Supercomputing!
-scott anderson

Edited by admin
Sept. 29, 2001, 09:55:54 AM EDT
The Ultimate In Distributed Supercomputing!
-scott anderson
Post #10,888
9/29/01 5:54:50 AM

*scratches head*
Is that the link you had intended to post? It talks about automating inter-computer stuff with SSH.
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #10,898
9/29/01 9:56:28 AM

Link changed. :-)
The other link, while interesting, is definitely not what I intended to post. :-)
-scott anderson
Post #10,937
9/29/01 7:25:58 PM

An inFuriating inFurstructure..
The inFurences are unFurtunately not inFurtaining so much as Furthering Furinstances which are Furbelow what a RastaFurian might conFur about.
Furst of all, the inFurmation is fuzzy; sloppy conFurence discipline. But I'll Furbear Further inFurences. Fur now.
Fur on thee! Oh inFurmous inFurmation Furtune-seeker..
Fur shame.
Ashton, Furmerly
Post #10,939
9/29/01 7:59:48 PM

Hair of the dog that bit you...
The shear hairogance of Mssr. Haber'd Ashton ('ly), starting this follycle in the hopes of cutting us up. I've half a mind to give you what fur, but I'll inst-head 'do my part for furthering the curl instead of the disease (permanently, I hope).
This shoulder be old hat by now, methinks.
#3 guards,
-scott anderson
Post #10,990
9/30/01 5:59:24 AM

Ill-suited as I am
for hatband to hatband combat, this tonsorial hair-trigger has cut to the quick. Sorry to learn of the loss of half a mind - I can only don my hair-shirt with hat-felt condolences..
(And hope you notice little change from such a miniscule loss)
Post #10,945
9/29/01 8:32:52 PM

Fur Out! :)
Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. -- Euripides
Post #10,955
9/29/01 11:43:58 PM

Fur once Ashtons Furmentations Furm Furtitious Furver.
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
Post #10,961
9/30/01 1:01:23 AM

Much better.
Though I've seen it before somewhere.
Post #10,973
9/30/01 2:42:13 AM

Kah! Way-lo, koko...
I think it was my fault that the article appeared previously on IWETHEY . Back in the ezdays, I think.
But I'm not going back there to check :)
On and on and on and on, and on and on and on goes John.