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New The Ultimate In Distributed Supercomputing!

-scott anderson
Collapse Edited by admin Sept. 29, 2001, 09:55:54 AM EDT
The Ultimate In Distributed Supercomputing!

-scott anderson
New *scratches head*
Is that the link you had intended to post? It talks about automating inter-computer stuff with SSH.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Whoops.
Link changed. :-)

The other link, while interesting, is definitely not what I intended to post. :-)

-scott anderson
New An inFuriating inFurstructure..
The inFurences are unFurtunately not inFurtaining so much as Furthering Furinstances which are Furbelow what a RastaFurian might conFur about.

Furst of all, the inFurmation is fuzzy; sloppy conFurence discipline. But I'll Furbear Further inFurences. Fur now.

Fur on thee! Oh inFurmous inFurmation Furtune-seeker..

Fur shame.

Ashton, Furmerly
New Hair of the dog that bit you...
The shear hairogance of Mssr. Haber'd Ashton ('ly), starting this follycle in the hopes of cutting us up. I've half a mind to give you what fur, but I'll inst-head 'do my part for furthering the curl instead of the disease (permanently, I hope).

This shoulder be old hat by now, methinks.
#3 guards,

-scott anderson
New Ill-suited as I am
for hatband to hatband combat, this tonsorial hair-trigger has cut to the quick. Sorry to learn of the loss of half a mind - I can only don my hair-shirt with hat-felt condolences..

(And hope you notice little change from such a miniscule loss)

New Fur Out! :)

Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. -- Euripides
New Furnominal!
Fur once Ashtons Furmentations Furm Furtitious Furver.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
New Much better.
Though I've seen it before somewhere.


"Me sleep! Again!"

New Kah! Way-lo, koko...
I think it was my fault that the article appeared previously on IWETHEY . Back in the ezdays, I think.

But I'm not going back there to check :)

On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
     The Ultimate In Distributed Supercomputing! - (admin) - (9)
         *scratches head* - (static) - (8)
             Whoops. - (admin) - (7)
                 An inFuriating inFurstructure.. - (Ashton) - (4)
                     Hair of the dog that bit you... - (admin) - (1)
                         Ill-suited as I am - (Ashton)
                     Fur Out! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                     Furnominal! - (kmself)
                 Much better. - (static) - (1)
                     Kah! Way-lo, koko... - (Meerkat)

Resistance is useless. You will assimilate us.
82 ms