On the war in Iraq. On the military. On grants for anything and everything.

The problem is that we were supposed to be saving our money in the 1980's and 1990's and the government spent it instead. We needed to be saving about 10-15% of the budget for future Social Security obligations as the baby boom population retired. We didn't do it.

Now, there will be a lot of Social Security demands on the government for baby boomer retirees from 2010 to about 2035 (when I retire), and demands for Medicare, too. The hospital costs will explode as these people demand care. Finally, as boomers retire they will probably vote themselves EVEN MORE benefits (like a Pharmacy benefit).

Someone needs to be standing at the door of the empty bank vault and tell these people that there's no money left.

We need to pull back from obligations like Iraq and Afghanistan because in 5 more years we won't even be able to afford to keep our tanks maintained. Maybe we can draft retirees to fight?