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New NT 4.0 support to be pulled by June

So much for Legacy Support, NT 4.0 now joins Windows 95 as being end of the line for product support.

"I wonder how much of this BS Corporations will continue to shallow before they start looking into alternatives to Microsoft software?" -[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=106839|Orion]
New Already Gone
Good fucking riddance.

HP MFDs already don't ship with NT 4 drivers.

Something was horked about the "NT Classic" driver model - some excess of security when so many other holes existed. I haven't kept up with NT internals, but XP is clearly the end of the line - Win32 seems to finally have a definition.

It's really not a lot to show for 18 to 20 years.
New Not really....
I am really really really really sorry to contradict you on this.
There are too many installed units to cut loose. NT 4 is used for POS terminals and a lot of similar applications.
MS may cut support and HP may not support non-commodity items, but most of the people I know still have to support the buggers.
I still have to support NDIS3 (win95) and NDIS4 (NT4.0) for wireless NICs. I really hate those fuckers.
Word has it that we will not support 95 officially, but I still have to include NDIS3 in my builds. Word also has it that NT4 will be a significant rectal discomfort for some time to come.

New Not to mention
Companies that cannot afford to upgrade to Windows 2000/2003 or that have servers that won't run Windows 2000 and above. Sort of like those who still run machines that are 5 to 10 years old and cannot afford to buy new ones.

When I worked at the small business that delt with hospitals, the server used for storing the main database was NT 4.0 Server, they couldn't afford to upgrade all the hospitals to Windows 2000 Server because they are a small business with a limited budget. So limited in fact that they told me if they didn't get enough new hospitals that they may not afford to keep me or others that worked for the company. The software we wrote was like a POS system but kept track of surgical trays and the surgical instruments and how they got washed. Many other companies were doing this and it was very competitive.

"I wonder how much of this BS Corporations will continue to shallow before they start looking into alternatives to Microsoft software?" -[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=106839|Orion]
New One of the biggest reasons for staying with NT . .
. . is the forced migration from Domains to Active Directory, which can be very costly and disruptive. A couple of NT servers need to be kept around to be primary and secondary domain controllers.

Yes, I know Linux can be used as a domain controller, but that's another transition to deal with.
     NT 4.0 support to be pulled by June - (orion) - (4)
         Already Gone - (deSitter) - (3)
             Not really.... - (hnick) - (2)
                 Not to mention - (orion) - (1)
                     One of the biggest reasons for staying with NT . . - (Andrew Grygus)

Firstly they have wonky eyes, the left eye is always much larger than the right.
87 ms