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New Re: Taliban Cooperation with US - oxymoron

Taliban actually stands for 'death to US & all its minions'

There won't be any *real* cooperation from these Afghans who founded their Afghanistan as a base for exporting Islamic fundamentalist revolution & take-overs.

Their ideals are mighty, just bad luck that their methods suck so badly.


Doug Marker
(watch Indonesia - that place is a real problem - Bin Laden wants that country more than most)
New The Taliban leader is dedicated to bin Laden ...
... and is unlikely to cooperate with any Americans, imo.

Osama helped him to gain power and bribed warlords to take power away from any democratic processes so that they could turn Afghanistan into a training ground for cold-blooded murderers. (then it could become a true Islamic Extremist state)

What I find interesting is that Osama and the Al Qaeda network expected the U.S. to be absolutely predictable in our retaliation but instead of storming onto Islamic soil and uniting his band of evil-doers, we have appealed to the wisdom minded people in his neighborhood.

America is using brains verses just military might. The terrorists are using the only tools the know to accomplish their evil goals - TERROR & MURDER.

I guess what I'm getting at is that in this case, good is proving to be smarter than evil.
These poor souls think that violence will solve their problems.
It turns out that violence is destroying them. I'm beginning to feel sorry for these uneducated folks. They haven't learned from history and thus they are destined to write it.
The chapter of this book will talk about the disgrace and shame they have brought upon their favored religion. A religion that stands for peace. I just wish that good Muslems weren't being targeted for discrimination because of the evil of some hate-filled devils.
New Re: I think you are right ...

I believe the Taliban & Bin Laden had *no idea* things would go the way they have.

Firstly I don't really think they expected both towers to collapse within hours & catch the attention of the world in the dramatic way it happened. These guys have been blowing up US citizens & others in the vacinity for years. I don't think they expected such an intense & coordinated reaction.

As you suggest they seemed to have expected US to over-react & turn the Islamic world against US. The country to watch in all this is Indonesia - Bin Laden wants a revolution there - the country is dangerously unstable & the Islamic militants there are very active. Last week they romed freely around one large inland town going to hotels asking if there were any American tourists present - these people would have no compunction about killing any they found. One only has to look at the scenes of murder that Indonesia fostered in East Timor after it voted for independance. It was very very ugly.

In Jakarta the locasl are accomplished at killing Chinese - I have joking said many time over the years that it is a national sport there but if we consider that over 2 million Chinese were killed at the time Suharto came to power there, it is no joke. They claim they were getting rid of communists & to a small extent that was true. But it is well known in this part of the world that when Indonesia is in any sort of trouble they like to kill Chinese. It seems to distract them (amok is an Indoneisan word adopted by the west as in running amok (amuck as we say))

Killing Christians is a growing sport also in one Island they like to kill Madurese. Happily club and chop them to death - women children anyone.

Bin Laden appears to have got behind the Ache rebellion. Ache has been fermenting for over 20 years - they are part of one the main Islands but want an independant Islamic state. With over 250million muslims in total, Indonesia is the largest muslim country in the world by a long shot & Bin Laden wants it. With those mad bastards behind him god help us.


Doug Marker
New Slight disagreement. Bin Laden is a civil engineer.
He is what I call an evil genius. Genius can be used for good but unfortunately it can also be used for incredible evil.

Osama knew exactly what he was doing and he knew that a fire bomb would melt the steel.

No, Osama is the most evil person to inhabit the earth since Hitler and he has similar dreams of mass murder. The only reason his plan failed was that the last plane failed to crash into the White House. If that had happened, the U.S. might have retaliated just as he planned. Apparently a loving God intervened and saved America from even more brutal murders.
New Re: I think you are right ...
I believe the province you mean is "Aceh" not "Ache". Killing Christians is indeed a favorite sport of the Indonesians. I cannot quite figure out why they think this is such a good idea. They like to kill Chinese also. The most recent episode was a result of the Asian meltdown circa 1997-8. The Chinese, being an industrious sort, had the temerity to do better than the native sort, hence the native sort concluded the only thing that would make them feel better is to kill the Chinese.

That was stupid because it pissed off China which is a rising power in the region. And it scared the hell out of foreign investors which left in droves, not waiting to see if the crisis could be fixed. It cannot. The problem is the people are not too bright and take to killing because...hell, the other group was there and they didn't like them. Using their religion as justification is merely so they can feel good about themselves...think of it as an evil version of the "the Devil made me do it."

Aceh province has some oil and other natural resources. That is the only reason it is worth anything to the American companies still there. The U.S. government originally got involved installing Suharto (or was it Sukarno, does anyone recall?). We were supporting the bastard because he claimed to be anti-communist. More accurately, he was pro-himself. They do have the basis of a democracy there, however, now. We should find a way to encourage that.
Gerard Allwein
New Northern Alliance are not exactly warm fuzzy kittens either
Part of the Taliban's success was bringing order. It was draconian order, but order nevertheless. The prior groups (which is mostly what the N.A. consists of) were crappy rulers.

I would like to see a U.N. monitored democracy. Although I am usually against such meddling, that country will continue to be a source headaches until it gets a stable government.

     Taliban Cooperation? Are bin Ladens murderous days numbered? - (brettj) - (6)
         Re: Taliban Cooperation with US - oxymoron - (dmarker2) - (5)
             The Taliban leader is dedicated to bin Laden ... - (brettj) - (4)
                 Re: I think you are right ... - (dmarker2) - (2)
                     Slight disagreement. Bin Laden is a civil engineer. - (brettj)
                     Re: I think you are right ... - (gtall)
                 Northern Alliance are not exactly warm fuzzy kittens either - (tablizer)

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