Re: I think you are right ...
I believe the province you mean is "Aceh" not "Ache". Killing Christians is indeed a favorite sport of the Indonesians. I cannot quite figure out why they think this is such a good idea. They like to kill Chinese also. The most recent episode was a result of the Asian meltdown circa 1997-8. The Chinese, being an industrious sort, had the temerity to do better than the native sort, hence the native sort concluded the only thing that would make them feel better is to kill the Chinese.
That was stupid because it pissed off China which is a rising power in the region. And it scared the hell out of foreign investors which left in droves, not waiting to see if the crisis could be fixed. It cannot. The problem is the people are not too bright and take to killing because...hell, the other group was there and they didn't like them. Using their religion as justification is merely so they can feel good about themselves...think of it as an evil version of the "the Devil made me do it."
Aceh province has some oil and other natural resources. That is the only reason it is worth anything to the American companies still there. The U.S. government originally got involved installing Suharto (or was it Sukarno, does anyone recall?). We were supporting the bastard because he claimed to be anti-communist. More accurately, he was pro-himself. They do have the basis of a democracy there, however, now. We should find a way to encourage that.
Gerard Allwein