So what's with the suicide bombing?
And the indoctrination of the children? And those parades with the toddlers swathed in dynamite sticks? They look like people to me. Obnoxious people.
These people have the leadership they're willing to tolerate. And if they haven't got the gumption to even try to overthrow these bastards themselves, maybe they don't want to badly enough.
By way of contrast: at least a couple of ethnic groups in Iraq tried to overthrow Saddam. That's very much to their credit. And if had been up to me, my country would have made sure they succeeded. I sure hope we don't make the same mistake in Iran. Especially since the current regime in Iran is making trouble for everyone in Iraq.
I do not blame the Kurds or the Iraqi Shia for Saddam Hussein. I blame the Tikriti, because they were in on it. I blame the other Sunni Arabs, because they didn't even try to do anything about it. I don't blame the people of Iran for the Ayatollas. Well, maybe some of them. But not all of them. I most certainly do blame the Palestinians for the PLO and Hamas, because they're NOT MAKING A VISIBLE EFFORT TO GET RID OF THEM.
WHERE'S THE SINCERE DISAVOWAL? It's like our resident mouth-foaming Leftists with regard to every single mass murdering thugocrat out there. They won't say a word against any of them without a lot of prodding, and even then it's a grudging "well, we never said we liked Saddam. It's just that we oppose any meaningful effort to get rid of him." A day late and a dollar short.
Sometimes what people don't say speaks volumes. It's the dog that would not bark in the night - except at Uncle Sam.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
I helped depose Saddam. Did you?
When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.