And as such, I think you are assuming others see that the mistake isn't just significant, but absolutely vital.

The economic regimentation is absolutely key to the whole strategy. With an economy like we had 5 years ago, this whole scheme would fall apart. As it is, not many can afford (and I mean that in the monetary sense) to speak up and be called an anti-American terrorist supporter.

No man's job is more important than the Republic. But MY job is more important than my little op-ed piece. (Rhetoricaly - I don't personaly have a job that counts.) In a decent economy, an employer would just have to put up with my political quirks - but now there are 20 replacements ready to step in for less money. Sure, it's sticky firing somebody over politics, but you can always find something. And even if you, as an employer, don't mind or even agree with the mouthy underling, you can't really afford to have employees who are going to alienate your clients.