As I recall, that was on Clinton's watch. And in conjunction with the UN.
Neither of these are going to be in the way in the future. And when they're not in the way, we most certainly [link||clean up other people's messes].
I'm sorry your blind unreasoning hatred of America has made you so bitter. I hope you get over it soon, for your own happiness and mental health.
Meanwhile, we're going to keep knocking out the murderous thugocrats of the world, one at a time. If Dubya gets a second term, or if we finally blow off the UN for good, we may just get around to all of them. Wouldn't that be nice?
I said, wouldn't that be nice?
By the way, about those one thousand French troops in the Congo. It seems [link||there's no pleasing some people]. Wow. It's not every day you hear someone arguing that a thousand troops is too many. But predictably, they manage to blame the US for it all somehow. Friends of yours, perhaps? Anti-Americanism indeed transcends logic, or even ideological consistency.