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New Yes, but, it IS "powered by". By Zope. Right?

Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance -
Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation.
BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
New Well, if it can be "Powered by sporks"...

Less Is More. In my book, About Face, I introduce over 50 powerful design axioms. This is one of them.

--Alan Cooper. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
     LRPD? - (Arkadiy) - (3)
         Yes, but, it IS "powered by". By Zope. Right? -NT - (tseliot) - (1)
             Well, if it can be "Powered by sporks"... -NT - (Arkadiy)
         Why.. *Nothing* is more powerful than ___ -NT - (Ashton)

I don't know what "puerile twaddle" means.
61 ms