But I'm in Denver now and Denver has more breweries per capita with better beer than almost anyplace. I'm a short walk to:
[link|http://www.wynkoop.com/|The Wynkoop]
[link|http://www.rockbottom.com/RockBottomWeb/RBR/Home.aspx|Rock Bottom]
[link|http://www.breckbrew.com/brewpubs/denverpub.html|Breckenridge Brewery]
[link|http://beerexpedition.com/co/b_03709.shtml|The SandLot(Coors field)]
[link|http://www.flyingdogales.com/|Broadway Brewery]
[link|http://beerexpedition.com/co/b_01505.shtml|Denver Chop House]
and probably a dozen other lessers. Everybody in this town makes beer. Most make good beer.
Something I missed on the west coast.