-- what would be the point of "attempting to Know that which is not describable but Is" (or by any number of better chosen words) ?
There's nothing in 'Christianity' or any other -ism (read for comprehension, that is) - which prevents one from investigating what is all around; those who think there is such imprecation: are neither Christ-ians nor even good mimics. So no one is tied to the LCD of Whatever early conditioning and inculcation of fixed mindset has happened by accident of birth. Except by choosing dumbth - an active choice.
Aquinas is merely one of the known! ones who "went beyond" the narrow caricature of It All - that caricature which today represents most of what people imagine Christianity is 'about'. Ever thus - the literal mind is the herdsman of conformity and shallowness; to make up a religion with a decent chance of longevity (as L. Ron grokked to fullness):
You must have the dumbed down (Win MErde) version for the mass, and then escalate the level to er Clear. Always there are the esoteric, mesoteric and exoteric 'circles' about any Idea. Of course, as to LRon, when the basis for the formation of The Group - is exploitation$ of the gullible.. well what kinda karma might that earn?
You already know this stuff, or nothing I could say would make the slightest sense [heh]: which I submit as prina facie 'proof' that proselytizing ever only gains converts of the shallowest kind. If'n ya can't [== won't! because you be Lazy] figure it out for yourself -?- nobody Can "give it to you" cha cha cha.
Gotta Love.. Cosmic Humour