But never publicly slap-down the bestial-wing when it's out shootin queers, pronouncing zygotes to be Voting Citizens and.. otherwise garbling that Uniquely-Xian-Direct-celfone to the 'ears' of The UnKnowable [The Absolute].
(An 'access' which saner and more ancient groups have deemed.. about as valid as, "Your Own Personally-crafted God" cha cha cha.)
And to do That little sleight-of-Meaning, you have to commit a series of contortions:
sophistry, solecism - not to mention solipsism.
Edit, reedit, censor.
..along with Language murder of other degrees across all scales.
And then Christians, generally: dis everyone Not-You, whose Sages have expressed the Mystery of
quite differently. And with quite more humility. *There's* the hubris that ever evokes: Opposition, as towards any other form of smarmy sanctimony - whether the SS or the ThD.
So that's why: "Christians", the whole unhomogeneous Lot of the individuals who claim Specialness: are lawful prey of those Who Know they may not Walk With God, get raptured outta the mess we made for ourselves of our chances to do better -- and smirk about Our Special Relationship with the Allied/Axis Power -- while watchin the Other Suckers get BBQed. It's too much like a teenage Guy Thing at the car races.
Oh yeah too -
95.36% of the Christians I've ever encountered - have no knowledge of human myth-making (and the necessity for homo-saps to do this), couldn't discriminate the "truthfulness" of this or that 32nd degree hesaid-hesaid class exercise in gossip: all dumped into that Manual of revisions and omissions (like the pithy Gospel of St Thomas) yada yada.
It's the Blind stubbornly leading the blind around that Elephant. But I digress. Logic is never nearly enough.