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New This makes me want to....
Join an Amish farm community to prevent my kids from doing stupid things like this.

Maybe spending the rest of my life making carriages, farming, building barns, and living modestly would be good for me. And I would never have to deal with a computer again.

We have SO lost control of our kids in society, and it is really time to stop stupidity like this. Time to write my book.

The basic premise of the book is that it is our responsibility as parents ABOVE ALL OTHERS to teach our children to become moral/responsible individuals. It is time to get young men and women into our workplaces sooner (not after they've graduated from college), and teach responsibility, punctuality, persistence, honesty, etc. Also, I think that if your 10-12 year old son was at work with you, you would be less likely to lie, cheat or steal. They would learn at an early age, why bosses are assholes, and they would learn your "trade", whatever that might be.

After the kids have had an ugly dose of reality in the workplace, then college would seem so much valuable. By they way, that's pretty much what my dad did with me. I mowed yards for people from age 12 to 15, then worked in a steakhouse at 15, sacked groceries at 16/17, and was really ready to go to college at 18. I worked part-time all the way through college, and graduated.

I wish I had payed attention more to the boss when I was younger, because I'm just now learning how to "do business" and "manage others", and I'm about to turn 40. I wish I had the lessons that Ross Perot's father taught him.

Glen Austin
New Quite agree - a break after HS makes much Sense.
Few.. are actually ready to absorb anything just after HS, in my experience - especially of the fois-gras goose-cramming we call educational 'efficiency'.

Maybe too, since the Billy years and the ubiquitous PHB (an invention clearly derived from Billy's example IMO, facilitated via the advent of these adding machines everywhere) - learning first-hand what the daily bizness-lie is like:

From that stark experience more might seek some other way to live (even the cloth ;-) in order to avoid becoming conditioned into human insensibility by these largely anti-social institutions -- a kid might even work towards reviving our Constitution, placing restraints upon the more destructive of these new bizness habits. (Since obviously the parents have little regard for such resurrection of those founding ideas.)

Good luck implementing. (Amish? - I hope I'd have chosen that fork over any proffered "career in bizness", with the fantasy of 20/20 hindsight. I hope I would have ;-) I escaped that choice. Sheer luck of timing.

New Called Work/Study Program
The kids might work 1/2 day, then attend class. Still have homework. Also, I'm flexible. I don't want to damn anyone to his father's destiny, so your dad could also make a deal to let you go visit the blacksmith for a month or two, while his son does a stint as a Jr. Deputy. It was called apprenticeship 100 years ago. Now the software developer's son gets to spend a day at the jeweler's, the A/C guy, the plumber, the locksmith, etc.

But, the idea is to introduce work to children at a much earlier age, so they understand that Adam, in the garden of Eden doomed us to the following (Genesis 3:17-19)

"Cursed is the ground for your sake;
In toil you shall eat of it
All the days of your life.
Both thorns and thistles it shall
bring forth for you,
And you shall eat the herb of the field.
In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread,
Until you return to the ground,
For out of it you were taken;
For dust you are,
And to dust you shall return."

Work isn't supposed to be easy, but hard. Actually, in this generation, work has been easier than it ever has been physically.

But, also, as our leadership has sold out their principles and morals for theft, and lying, work has become very hard. We are reaping what the "baby boomer" generation sowed, by leaving the morals and ethics and 'doing their own thing'.

Work/study is a start of that. Instead of protesting on college campuses, kids need to learn the value of a good day's labor.

New Re: Called Work/Study Program
'Work' does not seem to me to be about those allegorical thorns. I'll put up Jos Campbell over the anonymous Puritannical authoring-committee you quote -- such as created a huge group of folks constantly engaged in judging the Worthiness of their fellows (completely missing that beam while zooming in on the mote.. yada yada) I encounter few who actually grok that (quite ancient) metaphor of the Garden - and the symbology of 'knowledge' and 'duality'. Most take it Literally. And you can't do a thing with that Literal - except suffer endless imaginations. And infect a whole new generation. as since the very first Misunderstanding.

If your 'work' is in an area you love - then it is neither thorn-filled nor demeaning. Perpetual punishment for allegorical 'crimes' is one Hell of an alternative to, follow your bliss. (And bliss has little to do with 'pleasure' - as the doggerel so often confuses). Those thorns go with the Shmoo analogy too: born pregnant Guilty! No dice on that lugubrious fantasy, here. It has led to all those wars - begun by those who can't manage metaphor for what it Is.

Besides, all past 'works' which we remember, celebrate today -- were done by folks who did what they did for love of the task (sometimes aided by their realizing that it also helped one's fellow Judges homo-saps). I believe that it is realizing this.. what it feels like to Love what your work is - that's what adults are obliged to demonstrate to their kids. Pref by example. [Rilly Hard that last, from a cubical cubicle - I wot]

Cheers, luck to the kids! They'll need a lot of that - headed lately as they are, to become cannon fodder before they can even become disillusioned first, with just bizness aggression.


Reillusionment - what a Concept.
New Wow, double-LRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #106958 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=106958|Wow, double-LRPD]

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
     extreme personal shudder; - (boxley) - (23)
         Ugh. Knew it was heading there. -NT - (imric) - (5)
             I didn't. Bleeuurrgggh -NT - (drewk) - (2)
                 I hope you don't mind... - (cwbrenn) - (1)
                     ICLRPD (new thread) - (drewk)
             My guess - (broomberg) - (1)
                 What are your lottery numbers like? :-) - (static)
         Urk! - (Silverlock)
         Hiss... -NT - (ChrisR)
         More canaries. Chicken Little was er Right.. -NT - (Ashton)
         Be thankful you only read words - (SpiceWare) - (1)
             the picture wouldnt bother me as much - (boxley)
         Re: extreme personal shudder; - (pwhysall)
         With future leaders like this, our future is bright. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             Hey...truth in advertising.... - (bepatient)
         This makes me want to.... - (gdaustin) - (4)
             Quite agree - a break after HS makes much Sense. - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Called Work/Study Program - (gdaustin) - (1)
                     Re: Called Work/Study Program - (Ashton)
             Wow, double-LRPD (new thread) - (drewk)
         Re: extreme personal shudder; - (deSitter) - (1)
             Just publish the plans.... - (gdaustin)
         I didn't see where it was going. - (CRConrad)
         BTW, he *did* have at least one valid reason to do it: - (CRConrad)

They're the very devil to clean out of the radiator.
48 ms