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New John Gatto on schooling vs education
This is a [link|http://www.primenet.com/~afhe/gatto2.htm|fascinating rant]. And if you liked that then you will probably liked [link|http://www.cantrip.org/gatto.html|The Six-lesson Schoolteacher] as well. (The homeschoolers will probably like both...)

New Thanks for that.

-scott anderson
New It is an utter masterpiece!
Thanks, Ben.

Read the John Gatto piece (other server down just now).

I'll print and send a copy to my HS Chem/Physics teacher - who refuses to do the computer / I-net thing - and.. more power to him.

Fortunately for me, while the appurtenances of the Six Things were universal - I see that we escaped the utter punctiliuosness which is the thread connecting the Six (and maybe the unmentioned Two more?)

That is: we indeed finished things, though classes did have time slots. And there were opportunities to pick interests, assign selves projects etc.

But none so 'optional' as:

For having the run of a chem / phys lab on some weekends or other times other students were away (boarding school) - I recall such things as - a whole storeroom full of such cute toys as a Wimshurst electrostatic machine! Leyden jars, HV transformers, motors, gold-leaf electrometer, replica for the Millikan oil-drop experiment, prisms (no lasers though) -

Plus most of the chemical elements from Argon (glass tube - excite with an E-field) through Zirconium. Some Rubidium metal in sealed ampoule (the alkali metals group), Uranium (my own geiger counter), Thorium, Carnotite ore + glassware: real condensers and ground-glass stoppered apparatus for distillations. Decent analytical balance.

Yada yada. Somehow all rendered more interesting because: I could *choose* which to investigate, get help for a project - or drop one for good or bad reasons.

Comparing.. that fortuitous environment with - Mr Gatto's version (now also familiar by lots of first-person hearsay since) - I just took a bit of an inventory of My history:

*Yes* - that period was the time when I was learning at the greatest rate and enjoying it the *most* .. certainly much more than at the er Institute. And only later (with a small and 'almost Mine'!) electron accelerator - did that spirit return. I bloody *verify* what Gatto measures by its

veritable absence in Murican regimented, compartmentalized "education".

Sad to read it so aptly thus unarguably-well put.. sad for us all - except for, maybe *some* home schoolers (??)

(No, I could not say, "imagine away" those opportunities and guess -?- the loss of catalyst? the innumerable later threads I never would have begun IF mine had been the Gatto-described norm. But I'd be lots duller for certain) Spooky trying to imagine that..

New Read 'first' one second:
In spades.

A Feynman-class genius; just not in physics this time. A virtual solution in the process of describing the actual root cause!

What a lesson in analysis, synthesis and sense - and so free of academic prose as to be almost poetry.

Gather he's (was) in Albany with a sane school - know anything more recent? TEN years! ago he wrote this and.. we flounder still in decline - no inflection point in sight.

Thanks again
New Don't know
I want lots of stupid people looking up to me in my old age, so I can dispense wisdom whenever I want.. They need to revere me.

I want smart people looking after my body so I can dispense my wisdom to these stupid people.

I want these stupid people to make some more smart people so I can continue doing my thing.

(several cycles)

it's a Follow Your Choice novel. Either everyone is too stupid to keep me alive, or they're smart enough to kill me for my estate,, or they're smart but don't need my estate, or....

Oh nevermind.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
     John Gatto on schooling vs education - (ben_tilly) - (4)
         Thanks for that. -NT - (admin)
         It is an utter masterpiece! - (Ashton) - (1)
             Read 'first' one second: - (Ashton)
         Don't know - (wharris2)

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