*could* sue 'HUAC' - The Reps of the Murican Peepul du jour.

Or.. if, after the current madness is sorted out: a Treason indictment were even Thinkable: of Messrs Bush, Rove! Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, [OK - whole Cabinet] -- and throw in Kristol as bat-boy.

Or.. the Senators who reduced Impeachment to: a personal proclivity involving consensual sex between adults, for the manifest naked political purpose of ejecting an (actually) Elected President.

Or.. The CIEIOs of some X% of Murican Corporate Rule - for fraud against the stockholders, employees and suppliers left unpaid via massive manipulations (via the Old Boys Club) of most of the Wealth of [This] Nation[s] -- mocking Adam Smith and all successors.


Isn't That WHY - Murica graduates 10X as many lawyers as engineers?
The Suit-Capital of the World. So let's make lemonade out of this sour Fact about US.

There are a hundredthousand more suits for Suits out there. No Guts. (goes with Dumbth like a Horse & Carriage) We're merely All Talk about them vaunted 'Constitutional Principles' - evidenced by the ennui, as these principles are nullified each day by this post- coup d'etat Regime.
