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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Of course
GPS buys Solomon - MS buys GPS - MS buys other small players - MS "supports" them while forcing everyone to SQL server - MS announces "Microsoft Accounting" and lo and behold, all competition is gone and the final product bears no resemblance to the victims of their acquisitiveness - they've leveraged one monopoly to create another.

That's illegal - but it doesn't matter, because the world is operated by drones and equally immoral people.

If your primary motivation is to act well and justly, you are screwed. This was formerly known as "nice guys finish last".

New You need to play open minded
It sucks.
It's painful.
You KNOW you are lying when you say you are willing to give it a chance.
And you might HAVE to accept some parts of the Borg in order to
lock it out of other parts.

But think about the flip side.

You get branded as someone impossible to "reason" with (yes, I know they are not reasoning when they lie to you, but you have to pretend that they believe they are telling the truth and then test it out, even when you know the test is a waste of time).

People who are impossible to reason with are excluded from decision making, which then means it ALL goes to M$.

So NEVER let ANYONE (even your boss!!!!) see you recoil in horror when the subject of the Borg come up. Or they have already won.
     Committment to Linux suicidal? - (deSitter) - (9)
         Paging Grygus, IIRC -NT - (tseliot)
         Go and buy the demo CD fer $9 - (folkert)
         Did the word great plains come up? -NT - (boxley) - (2)
             Of course - (deSitter) - (1)
                 You need to play open minded - (broomberg)
         Re: Committment to Linux suicidal? - (Ashton) - (1)
             As CPA's they may be used to MAS90 nix version - (boxley)
         Words from the SF Katt: "Ich bin ein Penguiner." - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
             No wonder the airline industry is failing - (drewk)

Before such superhuman attainments of sustained triviality one stands in something like awe.
44 ms