The environment and ersatz life which passes for The American Dream is a thing-obsessed shadow of anything authentic. Those we know who are actually Alive - are obv able to ignore the mesmerizing daily propaganda for More and Yet More\ufffd.
Apparently - not everyone can.. see beyond the emptiness of a road, programmed from infancy --> escalated, contrived desire for endless trivia, in lieu of any deep personal contemplation about anything. These are the canaries, as always. Cultures we dub 'primitive' always have rituals which focus on that which we omit, from the earliest.
I don't think that stereotyping this girl as a "spoiled American college girl" comes anywhere near the mark. Her parents who - even if as you merely speculate, they be droids of the common denominator - likely contributed no more or less to her 'condition' than all the other initiators of Disneyland faux-Life, which we embrace in a death-hug, celebrated most transparently at Chri$tma$$.
What this poor human failed to grok was (many things, but mainly) that Living Well IS the best Revenge against anonymous massive forces attempting to homogenize one into a worker-unit for-mass-consumption. The obloquy of the self-besotted plutocrat which our culture also reveres [!] derives I think at core, from the common-denominator of attitudes of the ruling class (themselves the most Massive of the Consumers being herded!):
it's OK to work daily to perpetuate a mindless soulless existence for most, So That *I* Get Mine.. and Mine is much More than would be anyone's normal 'share', in a sane culture of any past era. 'Class Struggle' is merely one of many euphemisms for - the tyranny of enforced Puritannical mindsets, begun at infancy. (And these are always contradictory signals, natch - as is the case in the er World of Duality we imagineered, as we imagined The Fall and all the other underpinnings of our lugubrious myths du jour).
Fortunately the canaries are few (in terms of numbers of clones of this fatally miseducated and lately massively misadvised girl).
Unfortunately the canaries are few (in terms of creating Attention towards any reassessment of goals - of the consumer mass).
Such is life/death in the World of Duality. Everything that is Good for You may well be Bad from an Other's point of view. So much for Big vellum Manuals about Good and Evull, shallow religiosity and simplistic 'philosophies' cha cha cha.