That's the nice thing about nursing. You can reclassify some job responsibilities into "non-nurse" jobs, but there are legal requirements that only nurses may dispense drugs in a hospital. Only nurses can hang IV bags with drugs in them (which are about 1/2 the IV bags these days).
There are other medical procedures that nurses do that are simply too gross to describe here, still require a nurse.
Surgery rooms still require nurses.
And besides, nurses are the "stepping stone" into hospital administration or a low level doctor job, like Nurse Practitioner.
Many insurance plans are even using nurses in telephone screen operations to assist/advise patients, review insurance filings, review applications for insurance, etc. The point is that they want someone familiar enough with medicine and medical procedures to be able to put up a decent argument on a refusal, but they can't afford to pay a doctor to do it.
Nurse is great career. Lots of cool things you can do with it. And, while they may import nurses from other countries, chances are very good that your job will not be exported to India, 'cause the patient is HERE.
As costs pressures mount in the healthcare industry, mainly from employers, I think that nurses will rapid replace family doctors and even PA and nurse practitioners as the "front line" medical interfaces.
Laws will be relaxed, because employers will be passing costs along to patients, and patients will not be able to afford to "go to the doctor" anymore.