Re: Learning from history
We have history to learn from, so we don't repeat our past mistakes or the mistakes of those before us.
I already said that, but with less words. Is there a reason for repeating it?
Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't there British troops in the current Iraqi War? Is this fact being ignored? Also British fighters, etc. They were and are our allies. They got their hands bloody too. So did some of Iraq's neighbors. So you can't just blindly blame everything on the USA. We had some partners in this war.
I never said anything to the contrary. My point was that while the US public was overwhelmingly pro-war, the UK public wasn't, probably because we're tired of seeing people—our people—get blown up after watching it on the news night after night for the past 30 years.
Our administration acted against the express will of the people, and I expect them to reap the rewards at the next General Election. However, given the amusingly fractured state of the Conservative Party, there isn't a viable alternative to Labour unless the Liberal Democrats get their act together.
Me? I'm going to vote Lib Dem, because they at least
seem honest. This is the party that says, up front, that they're going to stick a penny on income tax for the purpose of properly funding education. Labour (whom I voted for in the past two elections) have shot their bolt with me.