It has ocurred to me that this may have be a plot for Islamic extremists to take over the entire world. They do not have any tolerance for other religions (or people in their own religion that don't take a hard-line stance).

First they strike America, using the terrorist attacks as bait. They thought the U.S. would bomb Afghanistan almost immediately, thus giving the signal to Islamic Extremists worldwide to strike the country they are "planted" in. Osama bin Laden would have faxed his Jihad message at that time and asked his brothers to kill all non-Islamic people.

Maybe this sounds a bit extreme but most people think these murderers were a bit extreme.
Most people think that their treatment of women is a bit extreme.
What do you think?

Supporting evidence: Historic NATO reaction
Also consider: only $300,000 used to fund US attacks? (where are OBL's/Al Qaeda's millions?)
Arrests have been made around the globe.
Buddhist statues destroyed due to non-Islamic nature.
Jihad announcements made by Taliban already, and possibly by bin Laden.
The attacks killed people from more than 60 countries.
If merely U.S. embassies abroad are attacked, many people from non-U.S. countries will be killed.
What else?

NATO to find anti-terror role]
September 26, 2001 Posted: 4:30 AM EDT (0830 GMT)

BRUSSELS, Belgium -- NATO defence ministers are meeting to discuss their role in the U.S.-led "global coalition against terror."

U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is expected to outline Washington's plans for its declared "war against terror."

NATO has already agreed to treat the suicide attacks against the U.S. as an attack on the alliance, after enacting its self-defence clause for the first time in its history.