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New Molly Ivins on the latest spin
In Safire's parallel universe, the problem is not that we're not finding weapons of mass destruction \ufffd which means either we were lied to by the Bush administration or there was a massive intelligence failure. No, that's not the problem at all. The problem is rather the people asking the question are "the crowd that bitterly resent America's mission to root out the sources of terror" and are "whipping up its intelligence hoax hype."

Got that? If you ask, "Where are the weapons of mass destruction?" \ufffd a fairly obvious question at this point \ufffd you are the problem.

That's good, but not as good as my old favorites at the Wall Street Journal editorial board. Their June 1 editorial "Weapons of Mass Distortion" is a masterpiece. In this version, those who ask the WMD question are attempting "to damage the credibility of Mr. Blair, President Bush and other war supporters."

"But who's trying to deceive whom here?" thunders the Journal. "That Saddam had biological or chemical weapons was a probability that everyone assumed to be true, even those who were against the war." So there! And why did everyone assume it? Either because we were lied to or because there was a massive intelligence failure.

From [link|http://alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16069|Alternet].
Bush lied and people died.
New I listened to Rush Limbaugh the other day...
I do so every now and then for amusement. He was carping on about how if we want to blame the Bush administration for lying about WMD, then we have to blame the Clinton administration (source of many of the same intelligence reports), the congress which voted on the intelligence, Saddam Hussein (who said he had WMD's), the UN (who claimed there were WMD), etc...

Wondering how you feel about this?
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New Screamer, I admire your tolerance...
I listened to Rush Limbaugh the other day... I do so every now and then for amusement.

I admire your tolerance for pain.
"We continue to live in a world where all our know-how is locked into binary files in an unknown format. If our documents are our corporate memory, Microsoft still has us all condemned to Alzheimer's."
Simon Phipps, SUN Microsystems
New I listen to Rush for sheer amusement value
his chuckleheaded maroon deliveries while wrapping offal in newspaper and selling it as aroma therapy. His ability to out blumethal sydney in defensive posturing.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]

"I hit him so hard in the head his dog shat a turd in the shape of Jesus" Leonard Pine
New ditto, I think... wait, mega-ditto
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New It's actually no more painful than reading Ivins...
Just a different twist to the same old shit...
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New How I feel about Rush's pronouncements?
Even if he accidentally tells a non-lie, he is still lower than the scum on week old dogshit.
Bush lied and people died.
New LMAO...
That's pretty low...

And speaking of dogshit, how do you like my new graphic?
Just a few thoughts,


But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

Y. Islam - Father and Son
New Your new graphic.
Isn't that the "I loooove Muuuurder" monster from Flesh Gordon?
Bush lied and people died. We used to impeach liars.
New My cache must be screwy.
What is that, a Whippet?
Where were you in 72?
New The intelligence argument conflict....

Government sources said CIA analysts were not the only ones who felt pressure from their superiors to support public statements by Bush, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and others about the threat posed by Hussein.

Former and current intelligence officials said they felt a continual drumbeat, not only from Cheney and Libby, but also from Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, Feith, and less so from CIA Director George J. Tenet, to find information or write reports in a way that would help the administration make the case that going into Iraq was urgent.

"They were the browbeaters," said a former defense intelligence official who attended some of the meetings in which Wolfowitz and others pressed for a different approach to the assessments they were receiving. "In interagency meetings," he said, "Wolfowitz treated the analysts' work with contempt."
[link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A15019-2003Jun4.html?referrer=emailarticle| The Washington Post ]

The same magazine also reported that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) formally concluded that "there is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons" in September 2002, just as Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld was telling Congress that the Baghdad "regime has amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard gas".

The accounts of Newsweek and Time were similarly damning. One "informed military source" told Newsweek that when the US Central Command (CENTCOM) asked the CIA for specific WMD targets that should be destroyed in the first stages of the invasion, the agency only complied reluctantly. But what it provided "was crap", a CENTCOM planner told the magazine, consisting mainly of buildings that were bombed in the first Gulf War in 1991.

If true, that contradicts a series of bald assertions by administration officials and their supporters over the last nine months. "Simply stated," Vice President Dick Cheney declared in the first call to arms last August, "there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction".
[link|http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EF04Ak02.html| Asia Times ]

New Surreal that.. such things just Don't Matter.
Deus Shrub-Rove-Wolfie et Machina.

It isn't now just that Language itself has been corrupted via compounded spin on the very words themselves; that is true but,

It seems that there is simply no listening happening. As Studs Terkel observed ~ a year ago, in a fine feisty interview -

"Communications ? we have lots of. Communication - practically none at all."

Remember Spy VS Spy in Mad magazine? Now we gots [no 'speaker' even necessary] Slogan VS Slogan. Just a script running in the \ufffdther, like one of those 'Doze processes no one ever starts but Doze runs anyway. . .

'I Believe __' - that phrase which has started every war before and next.
Burn all 'scripture' and relearn the lessons drawn on the cave walls at Lascaux (after the radioactivity level drops enough to leave your own cave, natch).
     Molly Ivins on the latest spin - (Silverlock) - (11)
         I listened to Rush Limbaugh the other day... - (screamer) - (10)
             Screamer, I admire your tolerance... - (jb4) - (3)
                 I listen to Rush for sheer amusement value - (boxley) - (1)
                     ditto, I think... wait, mega-ditto - (screamer)
                 It's actually no more painful than reading Ivins... - (screamer)
             How I feel about Rush's pronouncements? - (Silverlock) - (3)
                 LMAO... - (screamer) - (2)
                     Your new graphic. - (Silverlock) - (1)
                         My cache must be screwy. - (Silverlock)
             The intelligence argument conflict.... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                 Surreal that.. such things just Don't Matter. - (Ashton)

"The professor in a thong"?
53 ms