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New This is part of the...
Thing I have been pointing to for 7 months Ross.

Please go back and think about the thing I have posted. I see your point, will you see mine?

And about F-Tape v4.x, with v3.something in the kernel. Well, you see there is this little thing called regression testing, QA and of course the Linus factor. I am suspecting it is a combo of all three things...

Appears to be in 2.5.x... but then again, you won't even take the time to read what I just read about the whole F-Tape thing.

There is a meaning to everything here Ross, not just what is obvious. Take a better look and you might see what I speak about.

[link|mailto:greg@gregfolkert.net|greg] - IT Grand-Master for Anti-President
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]

The time has come for you to take the last step.
You must love THEM.
It is not enough to obey THEM.
You must love THEM.

New Re: This is part of the...
What?? I never remember you talking about f-tape - care to be a little less obscure?

What's the issue here? It looks to me like a simple crackdown on the former laxity. So why change now? And if you want to do a crackdown, why not have an "--ultra-pedantic" option?

I have not kept up with gcc development, other that to be disgusted when each new release of my distro of choice fails to have a valid compilation environment.
     Hopping mad - (deSitter) - (10)
         ftape? - (pwhysall) - (4)
             Re: ftape? - (deSitter) - (3)
                 Re: ftape? - (pwhysall) - (2)
                     Re: ftape? - (deSitter) - (1)
                         Re: ftape? - (rickmoen)
         Is there a kgcc or a kcc? - (static) - (1)
             Re: Is there a kgcc or a kcc? - (deSitter)
         That is not moronic that is the nature of the biz - (boxley)
         This is part of the... - (folkert) - (1)
             Re: This is part of the... - (deSitter)

s/\$lrpd_saying/This space intentionally left blank./g
44 ms