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New Hanoi Jane
[link|http://www.moorej.org/jane/|Hanoi Jane Fonda chosen as one of the "100 Most Important Women of the 20th Century"]
In July 1972 Jane travels to North Vietnam and tours the area for 2 weeks.
During July, 1972 she made six broadcasts over Radio Hanoi.

From the one on July 14, 1972 she said;
"This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi, and I'm speaking particularly to the U.S servicemen...I don't know what your officers tell you...but [your] weapons are illegal and that's not just rhetoric...The men who are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals according to international law, and in the past, in Germany and Japan, men who committed these kinds of crimes were tried and executed."

Another broadcasts quoted Ho Chi Minh and had references to President Nixon as a "new-type Hitler", along with messages to the South Vietnamese soldiers to desert, "You are being used as cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism."(AFJ,May'88--Personalities)

Addressing herself to the men on the aircraft carriers in the area; "Use of these bombs or condoning the use of these bombs makes one a war criminal." When addressing herself to the pilots of the American planes she continued with; "Examine the reasons given to justify the murder you are being paid to commit." Upon her return to the U.S. she then addressed cheering students; "I bring greetings from our Vietnamese brothers and sisters."

Jane formed the Indochina Peace Campaign which was anti-Nixon and pro Hanoi.

[link|http://www.henrymarkholzer.com/hanoijane.net|<"Aid and Comfort"]
By examining Fonda's childhood motivations, her radicalization, her POW "audience," her activities in North Vietnam, and through a detailed analysis of the American law of treason, "Aid and Comfort" makes the case that more than sufficient evidence existed to indict and convict Jane Fonda for the crime of treason.

I opposed Bush's invasion of Iraq. But I will not support Saddam.

I feel that Bush's invasion of Iraq is/was illegal, but I will not call the service men and women who were required to fight war criminals.

I think that Bush's regime has lied to the world, but I will not call the exPOW's liars and that the deserved what they got.

The protests against the Vietnam war helped bring an end to a badly mismanaged and totally wrong war. But those same protests when used against the soldiers who had to fight and die, stigmatized the survivors. Hanoi Jane polarized the American population. It was no longer opposition to the war, but vilifacation of the soldiers.

FWIW I don't know, nor care how she is/was in bed.
Restore honor and dignity to the US. Impeach Bush, NOW!
New Treason,
like history, is defined by the more powerful / the 'winner' of the moment. I don't know how (given the tenets of Nuremburg) one separates individual performance of illegal orders with.. the illegal orders.

Maybe (even today re 1972 events) analysis is mostly one form or another of the problem expressed,

The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice and always has been...We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had-- the individual's right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.
- Mark Twain, "Monarchical and Republican Patriotism" via mmoffitt

Next to all flavours of religiosity - surely Patriotism (and it's polar mate, Treason) is second in the slathering-on of conformity with the mob - at risk of stoning, literal or worse.

New Points taken
I agree with most of what you stated.

Kill the prisoners - illegal order. Doing so would be illegal act.
Kill all the civilians - illegal order. Doing so would be illegal act.
Attack that village, where resistance originated - legal. Intentional killing non-combatants during or after would be illegal.

Invade Iraq 'cuz I don't like Saddam, illegal order. Top commanders should have resisted. Once that order gets down to grunts, it's no longer up to them to refuse. Now it's politics.

Can't really speak to the Air Force. However, using '70s technology, drop bombs at this location would be a wide area. Deliberately targeting a non-combatant building (on one without military significance) may be illegal. Don't know.

Everyone, even Jane Fonda, has the right to resist and oppose what is perceived as wrong. No disagreement there. Treason? Nah, Dubya has committed more acts of treason. What is/was "wrong" "inflammatory" with her remarks is/was the attack on the individual soldiers. They were obeying their legal orders, they suffered and died. And she dissed them. Her statements contributed to public sentiment that the soldiers were wrong and should be vilified. That stigma is still strong today. Most Vietnam vets are wary of identifing themselves as such. Our troops were not Nazi SS deliberately killing civilians. Yes, there are documented cases of such things occurring, but those were the anomalies.

Fonda's actions were a disservice to the troops fighting.
Restore honor and dignity to the US. Impeach Bush, NOW!
New Agreed, then.
One of the crass stupidities of the Vietnam era was precisely this opprobrium against mere pawns in the larger ugly political scam -- and the mania of [Again!!] One Man at the top + a hierarchical system for power dispensation - fostering the kind of corruption seen livid in '03.

It's a small excuse that - Vietnam was the first blatant example of such a travesty.. to continue, even enhanced, for many years. By the end, even in their splendid isolation sans battlefied cel-fones: one has to presume that Something of public unrest + reasons for same did reach these troops. But at first, excesses were inevitable - people, mostly young ones + the few; the older wiser who saw the scam, had to improvise. Callow youth, yet not so callow as the sheep they meant to wean from the flock IMhO.

Public presure was ignored then resisted by the same mindless propaganda slogans as the farRight puts out -unmodified- today. And many believe, also today - "Hey We Coulda WON That!" - (whatever the fuck that might actually mean).

No idea how 'we' will get out of the monentum that Rove has successfully built - against all Reason. There must be a critical mass of insouciant marlowes: only that could explain the present (and loaded) "polls" being believed. I have no idea, as each day brings the threat of a next escalation into Empire-space.


     MS to pay AOL/TW $0.75B - (Another Scott) - (27)
         So much for Netscape. -NT - (admin) - (3)
             Sniffage. Right. - (deSitter)
             Heard on the radio this morning, it's a two-for-one - (drewk) - (1)
                 At least they got a decent sized bribe for it. - (admin)
         Lawyer math - (drewk) - (20)
             Re: Lawyer math - (andread) - (4)
                 I thought it was part of the OS? It's EXPENSIVE! -NT - (imric)
                 Yes... - (folkert) - (1)
                     Um.... - (mmoffitt)
                 Oops - (drewk)
             My reading of the spin: TW trumped AOL. - (Another Scott) - (14)
                 Re: My reading of the spin: TW trumped AOL. - (deSitter) - (8)
                     right how many years was he married to watsername? - (boxley) - (7)
                         watsername? -- Hanoi Jane -NT - (jbrabeck)
                         Re: right how many years was he married to watsername? - (deSitter)
                         At the time - we had YAN pre-Iraq Spin City happening. - (Ashton) - (4)
                             Hanoi Jane - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                                 Treason, - (Ashton) - (2)
                                     Points taken - (jbrabeck) - (1)
                                         Agreed, then. - (Ashton)
                 Nailed - (kmself) - (4)
                     Wow - (drewk)
                     Not all the press are blind. - (Silverlock)
                     Gillmor too - (kmself) - (1)
                         Only good to come out of this - (drewk)
         AOL assimilated by the Microsoft Borg - (jbrabeck) - (1)
             Seems to echo the hopelessness of politics du jour. -NT - (Ashton)

Learn to love the Questions.
--Rilke, Rainer Maria
53 ms