Sontag, McBride and Microsoft... what a hit making group.
SCO: VV3 0VV|\\| J00, L 1 |\\| |_| X! 4ND 1 |3 |\\/|
IBM: Lamerz, you are... we prithy not to bow to you.
SCO: LINUX is UNIX, by Tainting! We REQUIRE MONEY or you are going down <insert 1500 companies>
<insert 1500 companies>: <nervously>BWAHAHAHA, that's funny.
SCO: We have a NEW Licensee for *OUR* UNIX Patents and Copyrights
MICROSOFT: See we knew it all the time, Linux was IP Theft, BAD GNU GPL, Good to support the industry by licenses and licensing, we "made sure our products were in compliance"...
NOVELL: HEY, SCO... WTF are Joo DOING? You ain't got NO Patents or Copyrights... We OWNZ EM.
SCO: Liar Liar Pants on Fire... We own em.
NOVELL: OKAY, show us exactly were in the any public registrar where it says you own them, rather we can show using the government sources regarded as authoritative that we own them.
SCO: Nuah, uhhh!

Needless to say, we as the Open Source Community are OUTRAGED, but this speed bump is soon to be ground down, all without (even though we give it) our help.