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New The cig machine.
It's what I call this thing that was brought into my shop back when I was working as a technician in a small computer store no longer in business. The individual REEKED of cigarette smoke, and his computer did too. Complained the CD-ROM drive wasn't working anymore. He then went outside and had a smoke. :P

I walked out beside him about three minutes later with the open case and a can of compressed air, and showed him the 1/4 inch of smoke crap on every surface of the inside of his computer. I told him I was surprised the thing was still working, and there was no way in HELL we were going to honor the warranty on that thing. Told him I'd sell him a new CD-ROM drive, and that if he wanted the warranty to be honored for the rest of the components, not to ever bring back the computer in that shape.
They say a city in the desert lies/ The vanity of an ancient king/ But the city lies in broken pieces/ Where the wind howls and the vultures sing/ These are the works of man/ This is the sum of our ambition...
New I've worked on my Dad's machine before....
and he's a heavy smoker....taught me new meaning for the word disgusting. (I thought my computers were bad with dust...)

There's something about the old electronic wizards and heat and smoke. I guess I could understand it a little - with a soldering iron and smoke from the solder. I just never got into the hardware side that much I guess.
     What to do on a rainy weekend. - (bepatient) - (9)
         Re: What to do on a rainy weekend. - (deSitter)
         Didn't rain here, but I did my own server work: - (tseliot) - (5)
             Ewww... what you said.... -NT - (folkert)
             I see no point to Apache 2 as of yet. - (admin) - (2)
                 Just found one reason: - (tseliot) - (1)
                     I was going to post something like that. - (static)
             Huh? Just go to any Volvo garage; they use the same parts. - (CRConrad)
         The cig machine. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
             I've worked on my Dad's machine before.... - (Simon_Jester)

Dein Glück... ist nicht mein Glück... ist mein Unglück.
35 ms