Problem not confined to Islam: organized religion.
The Ko'ran is very very clear on who can be killed in a Jihad & is also just as clear on what a Jihad is.
A lot of the problem we have with Islam is that unlike the 3 major Christian churches - there is no central guiding authority who can praise or condemn the antics of a few demented or excessively radical followers of the faith.
So there is no central authority that can refute Bin Laden's position or actions.
While there are certain 'authorities' across the infinite spectrum which calls itself 'Christian' - so also is there *no* 'authority' universally recognized by all / even most of these diverse sects. (The Pope speaks for lots - hardly for all - nor are his orders obeyed by even a majority of Catholics, in many areas)
IMhO, the problem is
fundamentalism whatever the sect. In each case the 'fundamental' refers to the ancient words of men, interpreted and translated by other men: packaged and sold to children and inculcated into their growing experience. The philosophical ideas, the difficulties even of definition of such lofty ideas as
truth, let alone 'The Truth' - form no part of this conditioning process.
The Tee Vee program
60 Minutes, last night interviewed a couple Israeli captured and convicted wannabe-bombers: captured only because their bombs failed to explode. As backdrop were shown - the images, 'cartoons', speeches -- all creating the idea of the Bomber as being "living martyr" / precisely "walking dead" - an unconditional Super hero. 72 Virgins the reward for: the (usually) under-20 year old male living in a sexually repressive culture (!). Both these persons were ecstatic about their impending deaths, had made videos with symbolic backdrops - explaining their next action. Believed the promise that, "you won't die, but go immediately to your mansion of x000 rooms, your 70/72 virgins.. etc.". Still, as of the days old interview. Pure and simple brainwashing of 100% effectiveness. No longer human - a bio-weapon.
I see little difference among the Christian, Muslim or other fundamentalists - for these are each, persons inured to the peculiarity of their worldview, unconcerned with the ideas of all others - nor of the value of a life -- not aligned with their mindset. Period. There seem to be only differences in degree: how Far a fundamentalist will go, in enforcing his aims upon all others not-him. Islam is the extreme now - for being also the least powerful / sharing least in the World National Product =
it's about material poverty. Period
Falwell is bin-Laden, but with currently more tempered means available to him and his ilk. So far. He is *Certain* "what God means for Us All to Do". But were the US in a chaotic internal condition? What then would Falwell, Robertson et al advocate.. to restore Murica to
Righteousness, -- had he the temporary power to enforce his Dictats ??
So long as children *anywhere* are conditioned to accept mindlessly that, The Truth can be handed out; they have gotten it and: no bestial action is too extreme in the furtherance of This Truth:
le plus sa m\ufffdme chose..Organized religion assures that: at least some members of every church corporation - shall be nascent terrorists, given the means and opportunity to act. The enemy of every open society is the 'Belief': I Know what the One True God means for me to do next..