Thanks for the explicitness
> "grep --with-filename expr filename_pattern"
> usually works. stdin and all that.
> As for intended audience, it should be people who are cemented
> to the POS Exchange - why try to convince the convinced?
I think what I was trying to say before was that I didn't put this document out there to convince anyone of anything. It's there to help people who are already convinced, and are looking for How To Do It, since there is precious little of that in the MTA crowd specifically, and the sysadmin crowd in general. If people aren't already convinced that Exchange is a POS, then my little HOWTO document is not the place to try to convince them. Attempting such makes me look like a kook. ;)
> As for "gratuitous use of cat", that's an old UNIX dig.
> You're guilty. Fess up.
Well, if I were an old UNIX'er, I'd do so. :) I learned on Apples and am employed on Windows. UNIX, I'm still leraning about. So again, thanks for the tip.
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance -
Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation.
BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10