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New History repeating itself
Once again the US has been propping up a dictator whom the US government feels is pro-American, namely Mubarak in Egypt. The fact that he is brutally suppressing the Islamists doesn't bother the US government. The fact that he is spending billions on weapons, when most Egyptians are living in poverty doesn't bother the US government. The fact that he has been President for the past 20 years and will probably not relinquish power until he dies(and then to his hand-picked successor) doesn't bother the US government. The fact that the average Egyptian on the street hates the US doesn't bother the US government. The fact that the government sponsored press is viciously anti-American and anti-Jewish doesn't bother the US government. As long as Mubarak pays lip service to the US, calims to be a moderate Arab country etc. the US will support him. The end result will be the same as in Iran, Radical Islam will take over and the US government will be shocked.
New Hrm.
Once again the US has been propping up a dictator whom the US government feels is pro-American, namely Mubarak in Egypt.

And this couldn't have anything to do with keeping one less country from attacking Israel, could it?

New Probably not
The US policy towards Egypt started in the 1970's during the Cold war, until the Yom Kippur War (October 1973) the Egyptians had been supported by the Soviets, when Sadat decided to switch sides and make peace with Israel (to get back the Sinai) the US was more then willing to reward him. Egypt was one more pawn in the Cold War on the American side. The same applied throughout the 80's. In the 90's Egypt has been thought of as a moderate Arab country who can provide stability to the region (i.e. ensuring the flow of oil). American support for Egypt has little to do with Israel.
New Yah. I forgot.
America's never done a damn thing for Israel. My bad.

New Did I ever deny that?
The US has generally been very good to Israel. However, the bottom line is that the US does things that are in her interest. The fact is that in the 1970's in the middle of the cold war getting Egypt on the US side from the Soviet side was a very important.
New Did I ever deny that?
The US has generally been very good to Israel. However, the bottom line is that the US does things that are in her interest. The fact is that in the 1970's in the middle of the cold war getting Egypt on the US side from the Soviet side was a very important.
     Egypt rejects US, prepares diplomatic ties with Iraq. - (addison) - (6)
         History repeating itself - (bluke) - (5)
             Hrm. - (addison) - (4)
                 Probably not - (bluke) - (3)
                     Yah. I forgot. - (addison) - (2)
                         Did I ever deny that? - (bluke)
                         Did I ever deny that? - (bluke)

Hey, they have color-coded detours here.
90 ms