I have a couple of comments. Please take them with a grain of salt, since you know your domain better than I.
(1) sectionAsIso bothers me. It seems you are mixing display logic with the domain logic. I would rather see independent renderers that had renderAsSquare and renderAsIso methods. This could eliminate ISO as a map type and then take a look at the essential differences between square and hex maps (which I don't think is captured in the design so far).
(2) I would suggest Location as a better name for Point (Point brings to mind a mathematical point with no dimensions). Your call however.
(3) Several objects have individual x/y/z attributes. Does it make sense to have this objects have a single Point (or Location) attribute?
Just some general comments ... some of the interfaces look ackward. Have you implemented any of this and used it in a mini application? If not, I suggest you try it out on a small example first before you commit yourself too deeply to this design. Often just the act of trying out an interface will expose holes and misfeatures.