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New What's Pointful?
I was just thinking about the sucky, dismal adventure of Gates and Windows, and how so many people are out of work because of, mostly, him. HE made it possible for the root weevils to team up with the tree-swinging simians (~~bosses~~) in a grab for fast cash without regard to the future - did all that have a point?

We went to the Moon, in the process, producing the finest machine in history (the LM) - that entire INDUSTRY is dead. So what was the point of that?

And how about bringing down the Berlin Wall? We did nothing to take advantage of the times to make a better world. In fact, we exploited the fearful, poor, and ungoverned citizens of the convulsed countries afterward, making a mockery of all the talk about liberty and its benefits. So, what was the point of all that Commie demonization?

CCR's protest song "Fortunate Son" is now being used to sell blue jeans to pseudo-partriots (marshmarlowes). What was the point of all that good music back then? None at all.

Does ANYTHING have a point? It's all just the seconds leaving in single file.

(Hint: Next time, throw in some Joycian psychosexual drama, maybe involving an exotic foodstuff, just to make it more pointless.)
Collapse Edited by deSitter May 12, 2003, 06:45:16 AM EDT
What's Pointful?
I was just thinking about the sucky, dismal adventure of Gates and Windows, and how so many people are out of work because of, mostly, him. HE made it possible for the root weevils to team up with the tree-swinging simians (~~bosses~~) in a grab for fast cash without regard to the future - did all that have a point?

We went to the Moon, in the process, producing the finest machine in history (the LM) - that entire INDUSTRY is dead. So what was the point of that?

And how about bringing down the Berlin Wall? We did nothing to take advantage of the times to make a better world. In fact, we exploited the fearful, poor, and ungoverned citizens of the convulsed countries afterward, making a mockery of all the talk about liberty and its benefits. So, what was the point of all that Commie demonization?

CCW's protest song "Fortunate Son" is now being used to sell blue jeans to pseudo-partriots (marshmarlowes). What was the point of all that good music back then? None at all.

Does ANYTHING have a point? It's all just the seconds leaving in single file.

(Hint: Next time, throw in some Joycian psychosexual drama, maybe involving an exotic foodstuff, just to make it more pointless.)

New Even when we know
deep down, that Shakespeare was right about all that sound & fury and even, that it is all a play - we must create our own er points. It's what we do. WTF.. why settle for someone else's second-hand guess (and fantasy of having grokked The Manufacturer's Rulez! and always - so Very happy to explain them to us, too).

*I/We* are the Manufacturer. It's a tough job and most run from it, into simplistic refuge. IMhO.

So, enjoy!


Hey.. my fav Russian trumpet virtuoso, Nakariakov is coming to the Marin Symphony in February: now There's a God!
New Nit: typo
*I/We* are the Manufacturer.

I believe you meant:

Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle Cackle

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New ..there is no 'They'____;-)
New If you could maintain that for a few dozens of pages ...
The original:
Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more
The modern translation:
Does ANYTHING have a point? It's all just the seconds leaving in single file.
If you could re-write the whole piece with the perfectness of that one line, you'd have an instant modern classic.

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
     Completely Pointless . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (17)
         Nearly unpointed.. - (Ashton) - (1)
             As Oblio sings, "Me and my Arrow..." :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Well that's what you do with your own web site. - (static)
         What's Pointful? - (deSitter) - (4)
             Even when we know - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Nit: typo - (drewk) - (1)
                     ..there is no 'They'____;-) -NT - (Ashton)
             If you could maintain that for a few dozens of pages ... - (drewk)
         prefer Apollinaris water to Gerolsteiner, good with cognac - (boxley) - (2)
             I can't verify that because . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 I forgot, no Piggly Wiggly Supermarkets out there :-) -NT - (boxley)
         dupe ignore, - (boxley) - (1)
             Re: dupe ignore, - (rcareaga)
         Your ref to cheap Australian Wine .... - (dmarker) - (3)
             Red? Is there some other kind? -NT - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                 What, are you colour-blind? Green, of course! - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     No, I mean for drinking. - (Andrew Grygus)

Enthusiasm substituting for real talent.
67 ms